Attend Worship In-Person or Online! 

What to expect at UUCB on Sundays

(updated 12/14/2022)

We have enjoyed Sunday worship in person since March, and have gradually broadened our range of activities and updated our safety precautions. This fall our activities for children, including Religious Education and childcare, are back in full swing. Some programs, such as Personal Theology and LFDMC, may originate virtually on Zoom, but can be enjoyed on the large screen in the Fireside Room; please see the announcements from the program coordinators for more details. 

The worship service takes place indoors, in our Sanctuary. All attending in person in the Sanctuary must wear a well-fitting mask, covering both nose and mouth, at all times (with these strictly limited exceptions: infants and children aged 2 years and younger do not wear masks per standard health guidance; worship leaders and song leaders may remove masks for audio quality while speaking/singing on the chancel). Masks are required during congregational singing. We continue our Sanctuary masking requirement in order to maintain the Sanctuary as a safe and accessible place for the vulnerable members of our community. 

Attendance in person requires vaccination for COVID-19, and sign in affirming freedom from symptoms of contagious illness. Visitors either affirm their vaccination status on the sign in sheet as they enter, or present vaccination documentation. 

As the fall proceeds, our after-service refreshments will move indoors to the Social Hall. We continue to track the CDC community level of COVID risk. While that remains low, we are able to update our safety precautions once again: masks are no longer required in the Social Hall and Atrium (CDC community level is currently Medium; masks required in Atrium effective 12/14/22.) For now the Social Hall is the only place where masks aren’t required. We do recommend that vulnerable people continue to wear masks indoors, per guidelines from the CDC and the California Department of Public Health. Our ventilation system provides an excellent air exchange rate; limited outdoor seating will be provided, weather and outdoor air quality permitting, for those who prefer to consume their refreshments outdoors. 

Please attend our online service instead if you have recently tested positive for COVID-19, have symptoms of any contagious illness, or have recently been in close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19. Visit our homepage for links to our Facebook Live and YouTube channels.

We recommend arriving at least 10-15 minutes before the 11 am service start time in order to find your name badge and then sign in as you enter the Atrium. Self Check In is available for returning attendees; please give yourself ample time to sign in before 11 am. Visitors sign in and receive name badges at the Welcome Table. 

Please read the full set of safety guidelines here.

Here is the UUCB vaccination policy.

Registering for the service

We are no longer requiring advance registration to attend Sunday worship services in person.


Vaccination policy

Remember that UUCB Board policy requires that those who attend Sunday in-person activities provide documentation of their vaccination for COVID-19.

Here is the UUCB vaccination policy.


Have I already presented my vaccination documentation?

If your documentation was already checked, either in person (such as at the fall food drive in the UUCB parking lot) or on Zoom, your Breeze profile should say “Yes” in the Cleared field. You can click this link to access your Breeze account, or to request an invitation to create a new Breeze login (we are now using Breeze instead of FellowshipOne for our church directory).

Once you log in to Breeze, you will be on your Dashboard—find My Profile at the left, and click the circle, or your name, to view your full profile. The ‘Cleared’ field is in the Main section.


What if I haven’t presented my vaccination documentation yet?

Bring your vaccination card to church on Sunday, and present it at the table outside.


Safety guidelines

Remember, you can read the full set of safety guidelines here.