Read the UUCB Widening the Circle of Concern Report to learn about UUCB’s powerful vision for inclusivity and connection.


In early 2020 the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) created a book called “Widening the Circle of Concern.” This book focused on increased awareness systemic racism and supremacy culture in the UUA and in UU Congregations.

In the summer of 2020 the UUCB Board of Trustees created a “Widening the Circle of Concern Task Force,” whose eleven members spent time from August 2020-August 2021 reading the book and coming up with specific recommendations for UUCB.  The UUCB Board of Trustees approved the recommendations of the Task Force on September 1, 2021.  Read the Board’s powerful VISION STATEMENT of their call for Radical Justice.

Once the Task Force’s work was completed, the UUCB Board then approved a “standing committee,” an on-going committee which will help and support the UUCB congregation’s implementation of the Report’s recommendations. This standing committee is a committee of the Board called “Widening the Circle Committee” (WTCC) and is a different group from the Task Force, with new members, a new task and vision.

The new members of the WTCC are:

  • Cynthia Asprodites, Dorothy Herzberg, Fran Moulton, Karen Elliott,
    Lonnie Moseley, Melissa Rosales, and Suzette Anderson-Duggan
  • Rev. Marcus and Tess O’Riva are ex-officio members
  • Beth Pollard is our Board liaison

The Committee is looking for inspired people like YOU to help implement these wonderful recommendations.  If you have thoughts, please email: