Humanist Connections
“A free and responsible search for truth and meaning.”
Humanist Connections meets every Sunday, usually 1-2:30 pm, though the start time may occasionally be changed due to conflicts with other activities. On the third Sunday of the month, HC meets in the Safir Room at church. Other Sundays, whether there are three or four other Sundays in a give month, the meeting takes place via Zoom. Check the church calendar both for topics to be discussed and for Zoom links on Zoom days.
Humanist Connections explores human flourishing and the transcendent in the absence of the super-natural. Our discussion topics include issues relating to morality and ethics, human development, evolution, the nature of the universe, love, the capacities of the brain, free will, the latest scientific research and discoveries, and other topics of interest. We include humanists, agnostics, devout atheists, freethinkers, religious naturalists, interested theists, everyone. All are welcome. Wheelchair accessible. Topics and readings are selected by vote of those present on the second Sunday of the month for the following month. Your ideas and participation are welcome.
See the Beacon or The Week Ahead for the weekly topic and the name of the presenter.