Family, Children & Youth
Our programs seek to empower our children and youth to ask deep questions and consider their own values and beliefs. We explore the rich framework of the seven Principles of Unitarian Universalism. Our aim is to invite participants into forging their own moral compass and ethical understanding. These activities are led by experienced and well supported volunteer facilitators, many of whom are parents with kids in the program. All staff and volunteers working with children and youth at UUCB have undergone a thorough background check.
We eagerly welcome new faces in all of our classes. You can learn more about what happens in each session by exploring our calendar of events or at the activities for families page. If you are ever interested in sitting in on a class with your child, please come on in; we are happy to have you. If you’re new to our community, here’s some helpful info to plan your visit.
Toddlers are welcome to join in the first part of the service and participate in the Time for All ages. After that toddlers recess out of the sanctuary and are escorted to our nursery for Childcare. During this time, toddlers are provided with a UU-themed story with space to both play and participate in craft projects or games.
Childcare is also available for younger children and infants, but we ask that parents plan to drop these kids off in the nursery before the start of the service or escort them to the nursery themselves after the start of the service.
Children’s Classes
The role of Unitarian Universalist religious education is not to imprint our ideas on the minds of the young, but rather to foster creative discovery and intelligent examination. We believe that every one of us has a piece of the truth, and that we are wiser together.
Youth Activities
Middle and high school youth are nurtured and invited into a loving community. There are excellent groups and classes for youth including Coming of Age and the sexuality education class, Our Whole Lives. UUCB has a youth group that meets monthly and provides an opportunity for socializing and further engagement. Youth also participate in several social service projects with organizations such as GRIP (Greater Richmond Interfaith Project). Learn more about youth activities…
Youth & Children’s Choir
Singing is a fundamental means of expression. It’s everyone’s birthright and an important tool for building human relationships. We sing to soothe babies to sleep and to comfort the dying. We sing to honor our country, beloved friends, and sacred ideals. When we sing together, we connect with one another at a soul level. Learn more about the youth & children’s choir…
Our Whole Lives Sex Ed.
Honest, accurate information about sexuality changes lives. It dismantles stereotypes and assumptions, builds self-acceptance and self-esteem, fosters healthy relationships, improves decision making, and has the potential to save lives. For these reasons and more, we are proud to offer Our Whole Lives (OWL), a comprehensive, lifespan sexuality education program…
Family Community
It is our goal to enrich all aspects of family life. We provide wonderful opportunities for time together with other families and some time to be with other adults while your children are well cared for. Parent groups, family dinners, social justice opportunities, monthly parent’s night out are all important facets of the health and vitality of the whole family that we are eager to support. Learn more about family community…