_MG_0203Childcare services are available on Sunday mornings and for many special events so that families can fully participate in the life of the congregation. Our staff offer tender loving care in a safe and nurturing environment. September through May childcare is provided from 9:15 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. on Sundays. In the summer when there is only one worship service at 11:00 a.m. childcare is provided from 10:45 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

If you’re new to our community look for someone in a red apron who can help your family find the childcare center, sign in, and answer any questions. Going to visit us soon? Here is more info to help you plan your visit.

Event leaders may download a form for reserving child care here: 

Request UUCB Childcare Services - for event leaders

Meet Our Childcare Staff

Meuy Saechao, Childcare  Services  CoordinatorMeuy Saechao

Meuy (pronounced like the month, May) has 3 children and began her career with toddlers and preschoolers in 1998. She has a degree in Early Childhood Education from Contra Costa Community College and works during the week at Contra Costa County Early Head Start. She likes to see children learn and socialize with their peers, as well as playing with them, and watching them grow. She joined us here at UUCB in 2001. In her free time she likes to rest and spend time with her youngest child.

Jalen Brown

Jalen has extensive experience in childcare for multiple age groups, and is earning a degree in early childhood education at Merritt College.


Ethan Lasiewski

Ethan has extensive early childcare experience and is currently employed at a preschool in Berkeley.


Lancia Caceres

Lancia is a parent, has experience working with young children, and is appreciating the ability to work the children of UUCB.



All our childcare workers undergo a background check and hold current CPR Certification.