Music At UUCB
Music is a vibrant presence at UUCB. On any Sunday, you may hear the adult choir, the Youth and Children’s choir, our magnificent organ and concert grand piano, the Gamelan, and any variety of small instrumental and vocal ensembles. The acoustics in the sanctuary are warm and rich, and the congregation love music.
Director of Music Bryan Baker, conducts Luminescence (the choir of adults), and Katie Lipka directs the Youth and Children’s Choir; Principal Organist Katya Kolesnikova plays the Aolian Skinner, and a quartet of professional soloists support the adult choir. Together, they make up our music staff. Many fine musicians in the congregation share music of diverse styles. The sanctuary rings out with a wide array of classical and popular music.
Anyone interested in getting involved with music making at UUCB is welcome to contact Bryan or talk to anyone in the choir or who shared music during a Sunday service during coffee hour or whenever the opportunity arises. The adult choir rehearses on Thursday nights and everyone is welcome to give it a try! (Please contact Bryan, or just show up one Thursday at 7:15 pm in the sanctuary.)
The Youth and Children’s Choir gathers on Sunday mornings at 10am and is also open to those age 5 on up. (Please contact Bryan for more information).
The Gamelan Ensemble, directed by Daniel Schmidt, meets on Thursday nights at 6pm.
Music and the Arts

UUCB has a long tradition of incorporating the arts in worship and encouraging artistic expression. Throughout the building and grounds are paintings, sculptures, and other art works, some commissioned or donated, some on temporary loan. Three large mosaics were created by the congregation under the leadership of artist Kim Larson. Our talented actors, musicians, dancers and directors have produced countless plays and musicals over the years. Two longstanding musical traditions at UUCB are the Sing-Along Messiah before Christmas and “Love Songs and Chocolate” around Valentine’s Day.
At Sunday services, congregants sing a wide variety of songs from two Unitarian Universalist hymnals.

See also the Handicrafters and Write for Your Life groups on the Interest Groups page, the Gamelan Ensemble, and the Youth and Children’s Choir. The Aesthetics Committee (contact Lynne Cahoon) coordinates installations of visual art, and the Altar Flowers Committee (contact Judy Sam) creates a temporary artistic arrangement for each Sunday.
Sundays are filled with a variety of music: from grand organ pieces to lighthearted piano duets; solo songs from Schubert to Sondheim to Sarah Barrielis; choral pieces range from Bach to the Beatles; you might hear Irish folk tunes or songs by Jason Mraz.