Getting out the vote for equity and social justice is the moral calling of this election year.

Steve Phillips, creator and director of Democracy in Color, told a UUA/Side with Love gathering:

The moral work of 2024 is to ensure that people of color and progressives have an opportunity to vote and in fact get out to vote.

It is time to step forward, lift up our voices, and put forward the moral contract of what this country should be. It is an existential election year. There is a critical role for all of us to play. UUs can play a very significant role.

The Voting Justice Project is engaging the congregation in partnership activities with non-partisan organizations including UUA’s UU the Vote, the Center for Common Ground/Reclaim Our Vote, and The Environmental Voter Project.

We reach out to young people and voters of color who have historically encountered barriers to expressing their right to vote and have their votes counted.

We are writing postcards and letters to these registered voters and soon will include text banking and phone banking activities as well. Our project will continue up to the November election, engaging the UUCB congregation in the social justice work these groups are leading.

Congregants will have an opportunity to carry our faith-based vision of love, justice and peace beyond our own walls, to engage in multi-generational partnership activities, and to put our UU values into action to create a more just, inclusive, and sustainable world.

If you would like to help with letter and postcard writing, text banking or phone banking, please email Leaders: Cyndy Greenleaf or Norie Clarke or Karen Elliott at