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A Time to Be Born

In Person, Facebook Live and YouTube. “A time for every purpose under heaven,” the poet of Ecclesiastes wrote, naming the way in which time is not a generic commodity, but a moment-to-moment emergence. Let us celebrate the return of the sun and the stories that remind us of a hope that moves at the speed of life.

In Person Coffee Hour
Be our guest for Coffee in the Atrium before and after the service. Light lunch after the service.

Special Events

  • Dec. 21 Winter Solstice Celebration
    • 12-21-2024
    •   The Winter Solstice is a time to journey inward and reflect on the lessons, joys, and sorrows of the last year. It's also a celebration of the light and darkness in each of us. Join us for a service of readings, songs, stillness, and ritual. Bring cookies, drinks, and other nourishing snacks to share.    Winter Solstice Celebration at UUCB Join us at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Berkeley for a magical Winter Solstice...
  • La Befana: A Christmas Fable
    • 12-22-2024
    •   Befana; A Christmas Fable. Sunday December 22, 2024 at 2:00 p.m., Kirke Mechem's heart-warming, 40 minute-long cantata on the old Italian Christmas story of "La Befana".  A joint project with SF Choral Society.  Tickets $20. No one turned away for lack of funds.

Events at UUCB

Click each link to view upcoming events in these categories.

Family Ministry

Music & the Arts

Social Justice

Adult Religious Education & Exploration

For Members

Please review our “For Members” page for the directory, annual report, approved budget and other forms. Click here.

UUCB on Facebook

Cover for UUCB - Unitarian Universalist Church of Berkeley
UUCB - Unitarian Universalist Church of Berkeley

UUCB - Unitarian Universalist Church of Berkeley

A liberal church supporting a free and responsible search for truth and meaning, social justice, and respect for the interdependent web of all existence.

Miraculous Moments
When our thinking stays static in a framework of linear time, every minute appears to be a means to a future end, a resource to be used in the production of eventual outcomes. How do we remind ourselves that each moment is sacred beyond any utility?
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In Our Own Good Time
Digital devices buzz and chime, push little red bubbles counting the new notifications demanding our attention, all designed to activate our sense of urgency. How do we claim our authority to use a deeper rhythm to set the pace of our activity?
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It’s About Time

Time is one of the great challenges of modern life — we feel stressed, harried, overworked. So often, it feel like we never have enough time for what we need to do. Yet our language about time makes it seem malleable and elastic, alive with possibility. We waste time, we call time, we even kill time. All these phrases convey a sense of humanity engaging in God-like behavior, as if time were physically alive and controlled by human beings. Do we control time? What might happen if we lived as if our own time had that much creativity?
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Shimmering, Shuddering Convergence
The mystics all agree: the cacophony of everything intertwining with everything is God’s love song of the universe. In this bejeweled net, nothing is inseparable. Let us grieve and rejoice, weaving our strands into the never-ending tapestry of hurt and healing.
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The Web is the Spaces In Between
Like the atoms at the smallest scale, and the galaxies at the largest, the web is mostly made of nothing. Empty space is the paradoxical hallmark of existence. How do we ensure there is enough empty space in the webs we weave to keep them strong and healthy?
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