Speaker: Rev. Marcus Liefert preaching

The Enduring and the Emerging

In Person, Facebook Live and YouTube. As the information age reshapes our social structures and destabilizes the pillars of civic life, we are witnessing a fundamental change in the role of religion in society. As the spiritual needs of humanity endure, what new forms might emerge from the current chaos to meet this moment?

In Person Coffee Hour
Be our guest for Coffee in the Atrium before and after the service. Light lunch in the Social Hall after the service.

Growth Conditions

In Person, Facebook Live and YouTube. We embark on a new worship arc titled: The Futures We Incubate. The first sermon will be Growth Conditions.

In Person Coffee Hour
Be our guest for Coffee in the Atrium before and after the service. Light lunch in the Social Hall after the service.

A Time to Be Born

In Person, Facebook Live and YouTube. “A time for every purpose under heaven,” the poet of Ecclesiastes wrote, naming the way in which time is not a generic commodity, but a moment-to-moment emergence. Let us celebrate the return of the sun and the stories that remind us of a hope that moves at the speed of life.

In Person Coffee Hour
Be our guest for Coffee in the Atrium before and after the service. Light lunch after the service.

Miraculous Moments

In Person, Facebook Live and YouTube. When our thinking stays static in a framework of linear time, every minute appears to be a means to a future end, a resource to be used in the production of eventual outcomes. How do we remind ourselves that each moment is sacred beyond any utility?

In Person Coffee Hour
Be our guest for Coffee in the Atrium before and after the service. Light lunch in the Social Hall after the service.

In Our Own Good Time

In Person, Facebook Live and YouTube. Digital devices buzz and chime, push little red bubbles counting the new notifications demanding our attention, all designed to activate our sense of urgency. How do we claim our authority to use a deeper rhythm to set the pace of our activity?

In Person Coffee Hour
Be our guest for Coffee in the Atrium before and after the service. Light lunch in the Social Hall after the service.