News Bulletins
February 16, 2023
Message from the Co-Presidents of the UUCB Board of Trustees
“Co-Presidents?”, you might be asking.
Yes, it’s true. Pier Sun Ho and Helen Tinsley-Jones are now serving in that position.
After the 2/12/23 Congregational Meeting, the Board briefly convened to nominate and elect officers and ex-officio members (non-voting). Selene Fabiano and Carolyn James were selected as secretary and treasurer, respectively, which are ex-officio positions. Michael Armstrong became Vice President, and Pier Sun Ho and Helen Tinsley-Jones were elected as Co-Presidents of UUCB.
The Board’s election of co-presidents rather than the expected and usual one-person presidency came after reflective conversations about current congregational needs and the time and resources of Board members to fulfill their duties and the mission of this vibrant congregation. A co-presidency does not conflict with our Bylaws. The church’s current and anticipated activities add richness and complexity to our congregation life and also increase the tasks and responsibilities of the Board, and, in particular, of the role of the presidency.
Here’s sample of this complexity:
- Members give so generously of their time and talent to support the existing and ever-growing number of programs. The Program Council recently counted over 80 groups and committees as currently active. Besides serving on the Board, all Board members also participate in many of these activities.
- Our Executive Director and staff coordinate and manage an increasing number of community groups that call UUCB their home.
- Our church has received a generous gift of a house, which can be used as a parsonage or can serve as a rental, and which will also call for decision-making. Decisions regarding Freestone are upcoming.
- We’ll be welcoming and orienting a new settled minister.
In the face of this complexity, a co-presidency offers the benefit of the efficient and effective sharing of tasks, based on each of our different and complementary skill sets, as we all the while support each other.
Some may say “two heads are better than one.” We’d say our resources are far bolder than this. Joining together with the magnificence of the congregation, staff and Board, we’re connected by trust, open communication, and a common purpose—all working in partnership for our church community and our larger world.
The Board’s commitment is to stay in communication with you as we continue to work out the details, and, as a church community, we move forward together. Please feel free to stay in touch with us at
There’s more to come.
In Beloved Community,
Pier Sun Ho
Helen Tinsley-Jones
Co-Presidents, UUCB Board of Trustees