News Bulletins
Pastoral Care
If you or someone you know is sick, hospitalized, recovering, grieving, feeling lonely or lost, need a hand meeting your basic needs, or are celebrating a joyous occasion, UUCB is here for you. Please email us at In case of a pastoral emergency, Rev. Michelle Collins is always available for pastoral needs. You may call or text her at 301-675-5314 or email her directly at
Process for Forming a Ministerial Search Committee
Electronic Polling for Ministerial Search Committee Candidates Ends April 13, 2022
It’s a launch! The Board has begun the process of forming a Ministerial Search Committee (MSC). This Committee is tasked with recommending a minister to the congregation in Spring 2023, given that Rev. Michelle’s tenure with UUCB concludes on July 31, 2023.
The establishment of the MSC commences at this time per UUA guidelines, giving UUCB ample time for deep discernment in this important process. An initial task of the committee will be to explore with the congregation whether to search for a settled minister called by the congregation, a contract minister hired by the Board, and any related considerations. The Board will act on this recommendation to guide the focus of the committee’s search.
Please note that the creation of the MSC is a congregation-wide event. A total of seven members will be chosen from nominations by the congregation, through a combination of congregational voting and Board appointments.
What to expect/to do next?
- Begin reflecting on what you think UUCB needs at this time and in our near future. How are we different than the last time we were in search?
- In the next few days, each member of UUCB will be contacted by the Board and church leadership and engaged in discussions around questions such as, “What are the good qualities needed for someone to serve on a ministerial search committee?.” Members will be asked to suggest names for the MSC. This survey will be conducted online and by phone, so that all congregants will be reached.
- All the questions and details related to the survey will be provided to you prior to your being contacted.
- While not required reading, you may find it helpful and interesting to check out UUA’s “Settlement Handbook.” Here’s the
If you have questions or comments, please contact Board Members Helen Tinsley-Jones
(, Pier Sun Ho (, David Robert (