Special Events

  • Adult Exploration: "Death Café" Deep and intimate conversations on death
    • 03-15-2025
    • 2:00-4:00 p.m. Death Café Conversations. “Death Café” is a recent movement that brings people together in small social groups to “drink tea, eat cake, and talk about death.” The purpose is to help people feel safe talking about death and dying. We believe that by increasing our awareness and comfort on this front we can make the most of our finite lives. Join in the conversation. Everyone is Welcome. Hosts, Karen Voorhees, Lee Olivier, Rev. Jane Ramsey.
  • Parents' Night Out
    • 03-15-2025
    • Drop off your kid(s) by 4:30, spend a little time with other parents, and then head off on your own or with a friend or spouse to enjoy whatever sounds good till 8:30pm! Fill out this form to reserve a spot.
  • Church du Soleil
    • 03-21-2025
    • Sunset Worship Designed for Gens XYZ / Millennialish Potluck to open   Kids' Corner for our younger guests   If your idea of worship is watching the sky melt into twilight, letting the music carry you away, and finding connection in stories and silence, come find your people. We’ll do our best to keep it real and just the right amount of weird. Need some inspiration, a place to recharge, or just somewhere different to...
  • Movie Screening: Counted Out
    • 03-21-2025
    • Counted Out investigates the biggest crises of our time—including political polarization, racial inequity, and climate change–through an unexpected lens: mathematics. Come to the screening on March 12 at 6 pm in the Fireside Room.
  • Personal Theology: Mr. Wei-Tai Kwok, "From Climate Distress to Climate Action!"
    • 03-23-2025
    • 9:30 a.m. The Personal Theology program is delighted to support the Climate Justice Council in bringing Mr. Wei-Tai Kwok to talk with the UUCB Community on how he personally went from climate stress to climate action!  Mr. Kwok is a prominent climate advocate, and will talk with us about his journey in decarbonizing his lifestyle & devoting himself to climate advocacy. Trained personally by Al Gore, Wei-Tai has given over 175 presentations to communities like ours. The talk will be In-person in the Fireside Room and on Zoom. Click the heading for the link.
  • Coming Out Stories
    • 03-23-2025
    • Share & Listen: Coming Out Stories - Chalice Circle format Sunday, March 23, 2025 5-7pm Fireside Room at UUCB In order to create a PRIDE Caucus, we ask that attendees self-identify as LGBTQIA+. Family members of youth are welcome. This is a time for deep listening and sharing. Bring snacks to share! Please RSVP to cynthiata@att.net Sponsored by the LGBTQIA+ Pride Project of UUCB
  • Pathway to Connection Session 1
    • 04-06-2025
    • A two-session program where participants share their own spiritual journeys, learn how we create loving community in our congregation, and the history of our church and tradition. This series is especially useful for people who have newly joined the church or are considering becoming members, but it is open to everyone. You can attend just one or both, and it doesn't need to be in order. Session 1 April 6, 2025 12:45 pm - 2:15...
  • Pathway to Connection Session 2
    • 04-13-2025
    • A two-session program where participants share their own spiritual journeys, learn how we create loving community in our congregation, and the history of our church and tradition. This series is especially useful for people who have newly joined the church or are considering becoming members, but it is open to everyone. You can attend just one or both, and it doesn't need to be in order. Session 1 April 6, 2025 12:45 pm - 2:15...