April 16, 2023

Announcing Reverend Marcus Liefert, Ministerial Search Candidate


The Ministerial Search Committee is delighted to announce Reverend Marcus Liefert as our finalist candidate for the settled ministry search at UUCB. 

Rev. Marcus currently serves as the Developmental Minister at the UU Congregation of Marin. Among the many accomplishments he and UU Marin have shared in their time together are: becoming a stronger, more self-assured congregation; launching their first capital campaign in seventy years; and broadening their presence in the wider interfaith and social justice community.

Rev. Marcus is excited to spend time becoming reacquainted with our community and sends a VIRTUAL HELLO by way of a video message.  A creative spirit and gardener, he finds inspiration and replenishment through meditative walks in nature. You can learn more about Rev. Marcus and his ministry by visiting his WEBSITE, which covers his formative experiences, philosophy and approach to worship, reflective writing, and congregational life moments.

To some of you, Rev. Marcus may be a familiar face. Many moons ago, under Revs. Barbara and Bill Hamilton-Holway,  he was an intern at our very church. Much has happened in a decade! Along the way, he served in New York and Canada before coming back to Cali to put down Oaklandish roots — reconnecting with his beloved partner Caitlyn, gaining a canine companion named Merlin, and relishing the joy of being a dad to Henry, who is seven. 

We can’t wait for you to meet Rev. Marcus during Candidating Week to experience for yourself his magical sermons, as well as see first-hand the gifts and talents he brings as a minister. You might very well, like we did, come away from church on a Sunday morning on a warm and fuzzy cloud of wonder. 

Candidating Week Schedule