Board of Trustees message, 4/27/20

Dear UUCB members,

If you would like to witness either of the Board’s upcoming Zoom meetings, just select these links:

Wed. April 29, 7 pm (special meeting):
The agenda includes next year’s budget, the May 17th congregational meeting, a report from the interim ministry team, and what to do about worship over the summer.

Wed. May 6, 7 pm (regular meeting):

We are moving our “listening” time back to the beginning of each meeting, but we can only allow ten minutes to hear from visitors, so we encourage you to voice your thoughts in other ways. The sidebar “chat” is one, but you may not get an answer during the meeting. (I, for one, think I’ll keep the sidebar closed so I don’t get distracted from what Board members are saying.)

Normally, a Board member provides a listening presence in the Atrium at least once a month. From now through May, Elaine Miller has volunteered to listen to your concerns and suggestions. You can call her at 510-528-2523 and leave a message suggesting some good times for her to call you back. Also, Board President Kerry Simpson continues to hold “office hours” on Tuesdays from 3 to 5 pm and would welcome your calls then at 510-508-8098. You can also email the entire Board, along with Tess and Christian, at

Another great opportunity to ask questions and make suggestions is the new weekly Zoom meeting with Tess O’Riva, executive director, at 6 pm on Thursdays before Vespers:


Ann Harlow, Board Secretary and Communications Co-Chair