For all in-person Sunday Activities

For Sunday In-person Worship, Programs and Activities

(Updated June 2023)

Those who attend must affirm that

  1. They are not ill and have no symptoms of contagious disease
  2. They have not tested positive for COVID-19 within the last 5 days
  3. They have not been in close contact with anyone who tested positive for COVID-19 within the last 5 days
  4. They acknowledge their responsibility to notify people they had close contact with, if they test positive for COVID-19 within 4 days after attendance

Attendance in person indicates your affirmation of the above, and your willingness to follow safety guidelines.

Face masks, well-fitting and covering both nose and mouth, are required in the Sanctuary for all people over the age of 2 (with this strictly limited exception: worship leaders, song leaders and other speakers may remove masks for audio quality while speaking/singing on the chancel).

At this time, face masks are not required in other areas of the church. We recommend that vulnerable people follow CDC and California Department of Public Health advice and continue to wear masks indoors in public spaces, as they judge it necessary for their health. The UUCB Board of Trustees affirms the right of anyone to wear a mask while engaged in any activity on the UUCB campus, regardless of safety protocols, without fear of complaint.

Respect the safety concerns of others by maintaining physical distance as indicated by their lanyards (particularly when choosing a seat in the Sanctuary):

  • Red = I’m glad to see you, and prefer to maintain a 6’ distance
  • Yellow = I’m comfortable being closer but prefer no hugging or touching today
  • Green = I welcome hugs, but please do ask me first

You may choose or change your lanyard at the Welcome Table on Sundays.

Please use hand sanitizer and/or wash your hands.

After any in-person gathering: if you become ill or test positive for COVID-19 within 4 days of attending, please notify those with whom you had close contact. If you need help, contact (In any case, if you become ill with COVID-19, please let the church know, so that our Pastoral Care team can check in with you to see if you need help.)