Re-Opening Updates
What to expect at UUCB this Sunday, March 20
It will be so exciting to gather in person again! We are taking a cautious approach, and starting with just a worship service and activities for children. There is no Personal Theology scheduled for this Sunday, and we will not have a social hour in person after the service, and no food or drink indoors is permitted.
The worship service will take place indoors, in our Sanctuary. The prayground at the front of the Sanctuary will be open for children, and children may either remain in the Sanctuary with their parents after the Time for All Ages, or proceed out to their special activities. Childcare will be provided for the little ones.
Attendance in person requires vaccination clearance, registration, and sign-in. Please attend our online service instead if you have recently tested positive for COVID-19, have symptoms of any contagious illness, or have recently been in close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19.
Please arrive at least 30 minutes before the 11 am service start time as it is required to sign in before entering the Sanctuary. We have prepared as much as we can to make the sign-in process as swift as possible, but please give yourself (and the volunteers and staff) ample time to sign in before 11 am.
Please read the full set of safety guidelines here.
All attending in person must wear a well fitting mask, covering both nose and mouth, at all times (with these strictly limited exceptions: infants and children aged 2 years and younger do not wear masks per standard health guidance; worship leaders and song leaders may remove masks for audio quality while speaking/singing on the chancel).
Alternate pews in the Sanctuary will be roped off to facilitate safe distancing. Please maintain an appropriate physical distance, according to the preference indicated by each person’s lanyard color. As introduced by Rev. Michelle this past Sunday, the “language of the lanyards” is:
- Red = I’m glad to see you, and prefer to maintain a 6’ distance
- Yellow = I’m comfortable being closer but prefer no hugging or touching today
- Green = I welcome hugs, but please do ask me first
You will have the opportunity to choose your lanyard after you sign in on Sunday.
Our service will include congregational singing! You must keep your mask during singing. With our improved ventilation and our safety protocols, our Music Director’s research shows that masked singing is acceptable.
Registering for the service
In order to attend any Sunday worship service, we ask that you register in advance for that Sunday. Click on this link to register for the March 20 service.
Vaccination policy
Remember that UUCB Board policy requires that those who attend Sunday in-person activities provide documentation of their vaccination for COVID-19.
Here is the Board vaccination policy.
Have I already presented my vaccination documentation?
If your documentation was already checked, either in person (such as at the fall food drive in the UUCB parking lot) or on Zoom, your Breeze profile should say “Yes” in the Cleared field. You can click this link to access your Breeze account, or to request an invitation to create a new Breeze login (we are now using Breeze instead of FellowshipOne for our church directory).
Once you log in to Breeze, you will be on your Dashboard—find My Profile at the left, and click the circle, or your name, to view your full profile. The ‘Cleared’ field is in the Main section.
What if I haven’t presented my vaccination documentation yet?
We have used Zoom meetings to view vaccination documentation, but as March 20 draws closer, the opportunities dwindle. The best option may be simply to bring your vaccination card to church on Sunday, and present it at the registration table.
Safety guidelines
Remember, you can read the full set of safety guidelines here.
From the Opening Task Force, March 14, 2022