12:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Atrium, Terrace, Fireside, Social + Kitchen

Thanksgiving Potluck Dinner

UU Church of Berkeley, Fireside Room

Thursday, November 23 from noon to 4:00 p.m.

We provide the turkey, you bring all the fixin’s! So bring your friends and family and a side (stuffing, mashed potatoes, vegetables, salad, drinks, etc.) to share.

We need to plan for how much turkey to prepare, so please let us know how many will be in your party: adults, Youth 12-18, and under 12. You can either sign up in the Atrium or email Mary Muehlbach at mmm1310@sbcglobal.net with these details: number in your party, the dish you’ll bring, and if you can volunteer to help set up and clean up (Facilities staff has the day off).

Doors open at noon, worship is at 1:00, dinner’s served at 2:00. And as always, no one will be turned away for lack of bringing a dish or having signed up in advance. Our community welcomes everyone.

We will also be accepting donations for GRIP, the Greater Richmond Interfaith Program. 100% of your donation will help GRIP continue to feed, clothe, house, and partner with people in improving their lives.


N.B. The rooms are reserved from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM.