All Age Worship Service
11:15 am - 12:18 pm
We will celebrate the beginning of the church year at the ingathering service on September 18th!
This will be an All Age Worship with our new ministers Rev. Kristin & Christian Schmidt and the first Sunday with both services at the new times 9:30am & 11:15am.
Join us to share in our annual Water Ceremony tradition and welcome one another back to church after all manner of summer journeys.
Everyone is invited to bring a small container of water that represents a special place or experience in your life this summer. Whether from a vacation to Lake Tahoe or just the hose you use to water your garden, the water you bring will be mingled with water from ceremonies in years past. It is this water, made sacred by the intention of our community throughout the generations that we use to dedicate new babies and children among us.