The View from Personal Theology, September 2016

September begins the Fall/Winter semester of Personal Theology. If you don’t have the new schedule already, please pick one up in the racks in the Atrium near the office door. The PT Organizing Committee has an exciting line-up of speakers, so you won’t want to miss a speaker or a topic you’re especially interested in. Come and bring a friend. Just remember: Personal Theology will be starting at 9:30 am, half-an-hour earlier than before. But it will still be in the Fireside Room.

The PT Organizing Committee is changing. Barbara Rockhold has stepped back from Chair to become a consultant for the committee. Gloria Merrill is the new Chair; Anne Wardell is staying, while Barbara Norrish is moving on. John Maes and Dick Sherman are joining the Committee. Dave Rockhold will relinquish the audio technician’s position to Mac Lingo, Dwight Merrill, and Charlie Wright. Thank you all, Barbara Norrish, and Barbara and Dave Rockhold for jobs well done!!