12:15 pm - 2:30 pm
Music Room

Contacts:  Camille Parker and Jane Eisenstark

The Literature, Film & Drama Contingent (LFDC) of the Social Justice Council looks to the humanities to help us understand institutionalized, systemic racism, implicit bias, and the concept of “white privilege.” We read books, essays, and poems. We watch movies, videos, and plays. And we explore and own the internalized racism (and, for a few of us, the self-hatred) we learned by osmosis — having grown up in the United States of America. We do this by sharing what we call our “Moments of Awareness of Unconscious Bias,” our MAUBs — those knee-jerk reactions and/or attitudes that embarrass us and perpetuate internalized racism and hate. We share these MAUBs with the group, within our covenant of confidentiality.

The LFDC meets on the first Sunday of each month in the Fireside Room at 12:30.