9:30 am - 10:30 am

Click HERE for the Zoom Link

Hi, it’s your UUCB Religious Education/Exploration Director, Heaven Walker (yes, that’s my real name).  I’m giving a talk on Zoom on May 28th at 9:30 a.m.  You know, when people think of Judaism, they often think of the Orthodox, Conservative, or  Reform Traditions.  In my talk, I’ll be sharing how Judaism also contains many New Thought, or some may even say “New Age” Communities that embrace ideas of the Divine Feminine such as the “Kohenet Hebrew Priestesses”,  Mindfulness and Meditation like the “Institute for Jewish Spirituality,” Earth Based Judaism like “Wilderness Torah” and “Urban Adamah” as well as Ne-Paganism and Social Justice Activism such as the “Jewitch Collective.”

Come and learn about these organizations and the new thought traditions that are not your Grandmother’s Judaism, but are a thriving part of the Bay Area Jewish community and beyond.