12:30 pm - 2:00 pm

On Sunday, May 21, 2021, after the conclusion of the 11 am worship service and a light lunch (approximately 12:45), we will gather in the Sanctuary and online via Zoom for our annual Celebration and Planning Congregational Meeting. Please join members of the community as we:

  • Celebrate the extraordinary dedication and work of Jim Gasperini and Lisa Maynard, who will be presented with Schweitzer Medals on behalf of UUCB
  • Install our new Nominating Committee
  • Reflect on the state of our congregation
  • Hear about:
    • the state of our Interim Ministry, as it comes to a close
    • a final report from the Opening Task Force
    • an update from the Endowment Committee
    • the state of our finances in advance of approving our new budget
    • this year’s Social Justice projects
    • the activities of the Widening the Circle of Concern Committee
  • Vote on the proposed 2023-24 fiscal year budget

Below are the meeting agenda, as well as the proposed budget to be voted on by the congregation at the meeting (in-person and Zoom voting).  Below you’ll also find links to the drafts of the minutes of our three previous Congregational Meetings.

We look forward to seeing you on May 21st to celebrate everything we’ve accomplished this year and to begin planning our exciting future with Rev. Marcus!


Helen Tinsley-Jones and Pier Sun Ho
Co-Presidents, Board of Trustees