12:30 pm - 2:00 pm

February 12, 2023 immediately after worship service

Dear UUCB Community,

We gather together on Sunday, February 12 after worship service for our annual Awards, Stewardship and Election Congregational Meeting when we:

  • Honor Flaming Chalice Award Recipients Selene Fabiano, Alice Lemieux, Greg Lemieux, and Cordell Sloan. These members have given generously of their time and talent to UUCB!
  • Learn of upcoming generosity plans to support the church, through Stewardship
  • Are informed about the progress a of the Ministerial Search Committee – including Save the Dates:  April 30 to meet the Ministerial Candidate to be selected by the Committee, with other meeting opportunities scheduled during the week until May 7 – when the congregation will vote on calling the Minister
  • Get updated about capital projects being funded by endowment earnings
  • Hear from Rev. Michelle, with the status of the Freestone process
  • Install our new Board of Trustees

The congregation is also being asked to officially ratify those congregational actions taken from our first pandemic-induced Zoom video conference congregational meeting in May 2020 until May 2022, when the congregation approved a bylaws change to incorporate that platform. The minutes containing congregational actions from those five meetings are in the link below (at the end of the email).

Before February 12, please cast your votes for the candidates for the 3 three-year terms on the Board of Trustees, who are:  Kay Fairwell, David Rosales, and Helen Tinsley-Jones (incumbent). Links to the candidate statements are below.

You can cast your votes for the candidates via this link.

Vote for Candidates


The new Board will be installed at the end of the meeting, after we give our thanks to outgoing Board members Elaine Miller, David Roberts, and Treasurer Lenore Ralston.

You can attend the meeting in person in the Sanctuary, or via Zoom: click here.

Finally, big appreciation to the members of this year’s Nominating Committee for Board of Trustees candidates, convened by Board Vice President Helen Tinsley-Jones: Dayana Claghorn, Lynne Cahoon, Max Jenny, Robin Cooper, Sandy Portillo-Robins, Selene Fabiano, Terry Stokes, and Victoria Bowen.

We look forward to seeing you February 12!


Beth Pollard
President, Board of Trustees