08-07-2017 - 08-11-2017
All Day

Chalice Camp is two week-long summer day camps for 1st through 6th graders. The goal of Chalice Camp is to deepen children’s and youth’s understanding of themselves as Unitarian Universalists and to expand their knowledge of Unitarian Universalism and their capacity to be articulate about our faith. Chalice Camp II – Identity and Justice explores the root causes of systemic racism in the US and presents a religiously grounded approach to countering racism and building just community. The activities during the week include energetic daily worship, games, drama, art, community building and community service.

Campers explore the root causes of systemic racism in the US and develop a religiously grounded approach to countering racism and building just community. This curriculum is more challenging and can make some children and some parents feel uncomfortable. Part of white privilege is not learning about this history. Children do lose some innocence when they come to know the history of our country, which laid down the racism we live with today. Children of color often learn this history from their families as a way to provide them with resilience. There is power in these truths. As a religious movement building the beloved community, becoming anti-racist, anti-oppressive and multicultural, we believe all our children need to understand where racism comes from and why it is so important that we all work against it. In so doing, we can become the change we want to see in the world. Furthermore, campers will come to understand that racism is a human created structure, which humans have the power to dismantle. And, in fact, there have been people working against the creation of racist societies all along.


Contact:  Rev. Sheri Prud’homme, Associate Minister for
Faith Development, First UU Church of Oakland
email:  chalicecamp@gmail.com