2nd-3rd Grade
11:14 am - 12:15 pm
Family Ministry Office
Love of Learning
Participants encounter the fifth Source, which “… counsels us to heed the guidance of reason and the results of science… ,” through Unitarian Universalist Cecilia Payne, the first person to be given the title “astronomer.” Emphasize Cecilia’s love of learning and engage the children in hands-on scientific investigation to illustrate that Unitarian Universalists value discovery throughout life and use reason as a source of strength in our faith.
Take Home
Talk about your own love of learning. We continue to learn new things all the time. Cecilia Payne faced challenges as a woman interested in a scientific field (astronomy) which did not yet exist, and yet she persevered. Discuss with your family a time you made a commitment to lifelong learning. Talk about something new you learned—in school, or not—and what that was like. How did you feel about school? What did you most enjoy doing in school? Why? Share with your child why you believe it’s important that we learn and discover.
Take a nighttime family stroll. Observe the stars and the moon. What is interesting about this? What are some theories about stars that you find interesting? Why is studying the stars important?
Check it out: Session 9