The View from Personal Theology, October 2015

rockhold barbara

rockhold barbaraOur program committee tries to offer a blend of new speakers from outside the church, old favorites such as Jeremy Taylor, and UUCB members. Occasionally a new speaker won’t be as informative or dynamic as we hoped, but we try hard to offer you all a great series. Please feel free to let us know if there’s a speaker you especially liked … (or didn’t)!

Many wonderful speakers, including our own members, donate their time to us but we pay honoraria to some of our more in-demand speakers. Expenses usually run around $1800/year. The programs are free to anyone, but if you love the program, we hope you’ll drop a little money in our donation basket occasionally. Once the speakers’ honoraria are covered for the year, the remainder goes into UUCB’s general fund to support our presence here at UUCB, including use of the room, lighting and heat, use of supplies, and importantly, facilities staff time for audio and video and room set-up. We’re lucky to have this space and support for the program. A BIG “thank you” to those who help support Personal Theology at UUCB!

Oct. 4  October starts with David Christopher, who excited the audience last time with his “new” story of creation integrating science and religion.

Oct. 11  Victoria Lee, UUCB member, will speak on Rumi: Poet of the Heart and Wisdom for Our Time.

Oct. 18  We have Martin Verhoeven with an intriguing new topic, Walden Pond and the Ganges River: The Meeting of Waters and Minds.

October 25  Steven Herrmann, one of our “old favorites,” will speak on Teilhard de Chardin & C.G. Jung: Peacemakers in an age of Spiritual Democracy.

We hope you’ll join us on Sunday mornings at 10am in the Fireside Room.

Personal Theology Program Committee: Barbara Rockhold, Gloria Merrill, Anne Wardell, and Barbara Norrish