9:30 am - 10:45 am

On March 7, 2021, UUCB is so delighted to have the Rev. Dr. Dorsey O. Blake, speak to us about “Returning Home.”  This will be powerful.  Rev. Blake is the pastor of the Church for the Fellowship of All Peoples in San Francisco, founded by the renowned Howard Thurman.  Rev. Blake will explore how the concept of being “led home” has influenced his personal, spiritual journey.

When interviewed by Lerone Bennett for an article in Ebony Magazine about Dr. Howard Thurman, Mrs. Sue Bailey Thurman stated: “He leads you home!” Dr. Blake will explore how this statement has impacted his personal theology and journey within the American Empire.

Rev. Blake is the pastor of the Church for the Fellowship of All Peoples in San Francisco, founded by the renowned Howard Thurman.  Rev. Blake also serves as Faculty Associate, Leadership and Social Transformation at Pacific School of Religion. He has extensive field ministry experience with interfaith groups addressing justice and peace issues, including the California People of Faith Against the Death Penalty, The Interfaith Alliance for Prison Reform, Genesis and The San Francisco Interfaith Council. He served as a member of the steering committee of Religious Witness with Homeless People and has been in the forefront of peace and justice activities, speaking to small audiences and rallies that have drawn over 200,000 people. In May – June, 2000, he traveled to Morocco with an interfaith delegation of Muslims, Jews, and Christians in a quest to promote interfaith respect and cooperation. In October 2010 he met His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama and served on an interfaith panel responding to his teachings. Currently, he serves as Board Chair for IDA, a social networking platform that seeks to empower women and communities of color most affected by today’s economic crisis.