03-30-2022 - 04-15-2022
12:00 am

Electronic Polling for Ministerial Search Committee Candidates Ends April 15, 2022


Access Poll Here

As you might have seen in recent editions of The Beacon and The Week Ahead, UUCB is launching the formation of the Ministerial Search Committee (MSC). The MSC is tasked with recommending a minister to the congregation in Spring 2023, given that Rev. Michelle’s tenure with UUCB concludes on July 31, 2023.

An initial task of the Committee will be to explore with the congregation whether to search for a settled minister called by the congregation, a contract minister hired by the Board, and any related considerations. The Board of Trustees will act on this recommendation to guide the focus of the committee’s search.

Please note that the creation of the MSC is a congregation-wide event. A total of seven members will chosen from nominations by the congregation, through a combination of congregational voting and Board appointments. The Board has determined that spouses of Board members are not eligible to serve.

Beginning tomorrow, Wednesday March 30 2022, UUCB members can indicate their choices of candidates by completing the electronic poll which will be sent out to all members’ email addresses and included in other UUCB communication formats, e.g., The Week Ahead. Additional outreach by phone will be provided after April 6 to make sure all members are contacted. All polling concludes on April 15 at midnight.

The poll is composed of eight questions to stimulate your thinking about who you think would be an excellent candidate(s) to serve on the Committee. Please consider each question carefully. At the bottom of the poll, you’ll be asked to list your choices of candidates. While all choices are confidential, the poll will ask you to enter your email address at the top of the form to assure an accurate vote count.

While not required reading, you may find it helpful and interesting to check out UUA’s “Settlement Handbook.” Here’s the link.


If you have questions or comments, please contact Board Members Helen Tinsley-Jones, htinsleyjones@yahoo.com, Pier Sun Ho, ms_sunho@hotmail.com, or David Roberts, davidbobs1@gmail.com.