Category: Stewardship and Generosity

Stewardship is showing we care about UUCB—what it has meant for ourselves and our loved ones and what it can mean for the wider world and future generations. Stewardship is taking responsibility for fairly compensating our church staff, maintaining our facilities, operating our programs, and sustaining our commitment to the greater Unitarian Universalist movement.
“Stewards are caretakers with a forward vision. They hold something in trust. They ensure that it will be there in the future for the benefit of others. Successful stewards not only protect, but help something to improve and grow. Their actions are empowering. This is true regardless of whether we are stewards of the earth, institutions, people, or our Unitarian Universalist faith.” (From UUA curriculum, Stewardship: the Joy of Giving)

Seminar on Taxes and Giving

Under the auspices of the Endowment Committee, a seminar on helping people understand how they can reduce their taxes and give the difference to UUCB was held on March 19, 2016 in the Safir Room. The speakers—Laurel Randell, UUA (Legacy Gifts Manager) and Eugene Demmler, … read more.

Stewardship Campaign, 2015-16


We build on foundations we did not lay.
We warm ourselves at fires we did not light.
We sit in the shade of trees we did not plant.
We drink from wells we did not dig.
We profit from persons we did not know.
We … read more.

We’re Getting Ready…

We’re getting ready…

Yes, as the heading says, we are getting ready to:

 Create a thriving church that will attract the best possible ministry

• Secure a solid financial picture • Increase membership • Organize our infrastructure
• Strengthen clarity and transparency to make best use … read more.