Suggested Fair-Share Contribution Guide Submit My Pledge Pay My Pledge Pledge FAQs  How Much Do People Pledge?

Make My Pledge Promise

The goal of each year’s Stewardship campaign is to engage our congregation in looking ahead to the next church year. What do we want to accomplish together? How can we each support that journey in the next year? Our Stewardship theme this year is “Wake Now Our Vision.” In each verse of the hymn that inspired this theme (Wake Now My Senses), we can find an aspect of ourselves that we might wish to awaken:  our senses, to feel our connection to the earth and all of life; our reason, to make new discoveries or learn about the past; our compassion, to care for others; our conscience, to fight injustice; and our vision, to see a path before us. What do we need to do, in order to awaken that ability to see ahead to what is possible? What hopes and dreams can we each contribute to form a congregational vision? How will what we do now and next year help us toward the future we would like to see in years ahead?

Pledges are a promise of financial support and one of the important ways that members and friends express their commitment to UUCB’s mission. Pledges allow UUCB to make realistic plans for staffing and programs for the coming year and allow us to continue to create loving community, inspire spiritual growth, and encourage lives of integrity, joy, and service. With your pledge you demonstrate UUCB’s value to you and help us build a new way together.


Many Ways to Pledge:

  1. Paper pledge. Click here to print a paper pledge to fill out. Pledge packets will be available for pickup at the Stewardship table on the last Sunday in February; those not picked up in person will be mailed. Pledge forms will also be available at the Stewardship table on Sundays throughout March. You can also request a pledge form by emailing stewardship@uucb; enter “Send me a pledge form” in the subject line.
  2. Pledge online via Breeze using this link: or the form below


Pay My Pledge

In an effort to make things as easy as possible, there are lots of ways you can pay your pledge, including some new options:

  1. Breeze: we also have a secure online payment system through our church database system called Breeze.
    • Click here to give directly through Breeze without having to log in or create a profile.
    • If you have registered with Breeze, you can log in to your profile to give online.
    • If you are not sure if you have a profile, select here to check if you have a profile.
    • If you get an error message, or need additional support, contact Check the box for “Make this a monthly donation.”
  2. Cash: Mail to the church office or drop into either the offering plate or through the office door slot in an envelope. Indicate on the envelope your name and that it is for your pledge.
  3. Check: Mail to the church office or drop into either the offering plate or through the office door slot in an envelope. Don’t forget to write “pledge” in the subject line.
  4. Stock Transfer or RMD (Required Minimum Distribution) Contact Executive Director ( for more information.
  5. PayPal:


Thank You!

Every pledge matters; no amount is too small or too large. Only you know how much you or your family can give. And if everyone gives what they can from deep within, UUCB will have more than enough to do the work we are called to do with one another and for our world. Thank you for your generous pledge!

Pledge FAQs

What is a Pledge?

A pledge is a promise to contribute a specific amount of money to UUCB over a specific period of time (typically a church year, which runs from July 1 to June 30). Collectively, pledges paid by the UUCB church community constitute over 44% of the income received by the church to fund salaries, operations and programs.

What is a Pledge Unit?

An individual or family who makes a pledge is referred to as a pledge unit.

Why and when are Pledges solicited?

UUCB operates under an annual budget prepared by church leadership and presented and approved by the congregation at the annual meeting in May.  To support building the budget, a pledge drive is held in March to canvass the UUCB church community to make their pledges for the upcoming church year.  The results of the pledge drive enable church leadership to project the pledge income for the upcoming church year and to set the budget accordingly.

Are church members expected to make pledges?

UUCB Bylaws state that a requirement of membership is an annual “contribution of record.” This can be done by pledging and paying off the pledge over time. Or, contributions can be made when possible at any point in the church year. Be sure to mark the contribution with your name and as a contribution to UUCB.
If financial constraints preclude doing either of these things, a waiver can be obtained from the minister.

Do I need to be a member of the church to make a pledge?

No; anyone who wants to financially support the church can make a pledge.

How many people pledge to UUCB and how much is pledged?

For the 2023-24 church year, there were 160 pledges totaling $442,057.

Can I set up automatic pledge payments?

Yes; go to the UUCB website ( and click on the “Give” button at the top menu on the home page. You can set up monthly payments directly through your bank (no fee to UUCB), from the Breeze system (which will draw *from* your bank or card) or through PayPal.

Can I make changes to my pledge?

Yes; you can make a change to your pledge at any time.  You may advise the Deposit Team by emailing or calling the main UUCB number of 510-525-0302.

Does all of the money I give to the church count against my pledge commitment?

No; only pledge payments are applied to a pledge commitment. Other money given for a Good Neighbor organization, an auction item, church events, etc., do not. Please be sure to note “pledge payment” on the memo line of your check, or write “pledge payment” in the Notes section of PayPal (with bank account or credit card).   If you pay in cash, please be sure to fill out a pew envelope (also available in the office to the left of the Office Administrator’s door) so it will be applied as a pledge payment to your account.

What happens to unpaid pledge commitments at the end of the church year? 

Each church year ends on June 30. The church sends out monthly pledge statements, so you may keep track of your balance.  We include reminders in April, and ask you to notify us if you have a change in your circumstances.  If no feedback is received, future payments are applied to the unpaid pledge commitment until it is fully paid off.

How do I look up current or previous pledges in Breeze?

Log in to Breeze at

Enter your user name & password.

Click on Sign In.

This will take you to the dashboard.

Scroll down to the bottom of the page.

Under “My Profile” in the bottom left corner of the screen, you’ll see your name.

Click on your name.

On the left side of the screen, click on “Giving.”

In the middle of the screen, under your email address and mailing address, click on the box that says “Pledges.”

The column “Pledged” in the table below shows what you’ve pledged in previous years.

Who do I contact if I have questions regarding my pledge or my statement?

Anne Greenwood, or leave a message at 510-215-6620.