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With That Sweet Moon Language

In Person, Facebook Live and YouTube. Stewardship continues.

Coffee Hour and After Service Lunch
Be our guest for Coffee in the Atrium before and after the service. Light lunch in the Social Hall after the service.

Special Events

  • UUCB Bylaw Review & Discussion
    • 03-24-2025
    • Come share your thoughts on the updates proposed to our Bylaws !
  • Pathway to Connection Session 1
    • 04-06-2025
    • A two-session program where participants share their own spiritual journeys, learn how we create loving community in our congregation, and the history of our church and tradition. This series is especially useful for people who have newly joined the church or are considering becoming members, but it is open to everyone. You can attend just one or both, and it doesn't need to be in order. Session 1 April 6, 2025 12:45 pm - 2:15...
  • Pathway to Connection Session 2
    • 04-13-2025
    • A two-session program where participants share their own spiritual journeys, learn how we create loving community in our congregation, and the history of our church and tradition. This series is especially useful for people who have newly joined the church or are considering becoming members, but it is open to everyone. You can attend just one or both, and it doesn't need to be in order. Session 1 April 6, 2025 12:45 pm - 2:15...
  • Lawrence Lecture "Emergence: The Futures We Can’t Yet Imagine"
    • 04-18-2025 - 04-19-2025
    • “Emergence” is a transformative conference that seeks to answer the question: how do we nurture spiritual exploration and activation in the face of catastrophe? It is part of UUCB’s Lawrence Lecture Series, which aims to establish a public forum for inquiry into the nature and relevancy of religion (either institutionally, philosophically, or as an ethical force) in a world of accelerating technological and social change, as well as sharpening human crisis and conflicting social values.
  • Easter Egg Hunt
    • 04-20-2025
    • Easter Egg Hunt 10 am Egg Hunt 11 am Worship
  • Leadership Retreat
    • 05-02-2025 - 05-03-2025
    •   YOU’RE INVITED!  Two-Day Retreat Friday evening May 2 at UUCB Saturday May 3 all day at Mt. Diablo UU RSVP HERE by March 31, 2025 Friends! Come and join us at a retreat! If you are a member and have been considering deepening your relationship with the congregation and would like to learn more about getting involved at UUCB, join us. If you consider yourself a leader in any capacity, join us.  If you have...

Events at UUCB

Click each link to view upcoming events in these categories.

Family Ministry

Music & the Arts

Social Justice

Adult Religious Education & Exploration

For Members

Please review our “For Members” page for the directory, annual report, approved budget and other forms. Click here.

UUCB on Facebook

Cover for UUCB - Unitarian Universalist Church of Berkeley
UUCB - Unitarian Universalist Church of Berkeley

UUCB - Unitarian Universalist Church of Berkeley

A liberal church supporting a free and responsible search for truth and meaning, social justice, and respect for the interdependent web of all existence.

All are welcome to join our Green Sanctuary 2030 Community Meeting on Wednesday, March 19 at 4pm PT / 7pm ET!

In February, we released the new Green Sanctuary materials which are designed to be more manageable, accessible, and impactful for all congregations.

During our March meeting, we'll hear from one of the Green Sanctuary teams working through the materials. UUCB - Unitarian Universalist Church of Berkeley's Green Sanctuary 2030 team will share how they're Exploring the Possibilities for Mitigation. Learn from each other and build community!

Register here:

[Image description: Event graphic with a light green background and the UUCB logo, a green and yellow painted circle enclosing a tree with leafy branches beneath a sun. Green and black text reads, "Working with the New Green Sanctuary Materials. Wednesday, March 19 at 4 PT / 5 MT / 6 CT / 7 ET. UU Church of Berkeley." The Side With Love and Green Sanctuary 2030 logos are below the text.]

#GreenSanctuary #CreateClimateJustice #ClimateAction #UnitarianUniversalists #ClimateMitigation
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3 weeks ago

UUCB - Unitarian Universalist Church of Berkeley
UUCB - Unitarian Universalist Church of Berkeley's cover photo ... See MoreSee Less
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3 weeks ago

UUCB - Unitarian Universalist Church of Berkeley
UUCB - Unitarian Universalist Church of Berkeley ... See MoreSee Less
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The Tools that Shape Us
It’s hard to imagine that Gutenberg knew, as he fiddled with the mechanics of printing, that his device would foment decades of religious war and topple monarchies. Humanity shapes tool after tool, and the tools in turn shape us. How do we cultivate relationships to the tools of our age that will help to incubate our deepest values and greatest visions?
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Growth Conditions
In a culture that commodifies everything, even spiritual growth becomes one more thing to be acquired, one more achievement to be attained. But true growth is not the ever-upward trendline of industry; it is the unforced unfurling of a life’s essential nature. Perhaps the growth we long for in this New Year depends more on tending to the conditions we inhabit than any resolutions to improve ourselves.
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