9:30 am - 10:45 am

REPLAY below to this wonderful talk:

Click this link for Dr. Steven Herrmann’s Slide Deck that accompanies his presentation 

Dr. Steven Herrmann Website

Steven sends this description of the discussion:

“A talk given to the Unitarian-Universalist Church of Berkeley on February 6, 2011 was published in Chapter 7 of my 2014 book Spiritual Democracy: The Wisdom of Early American Visionaries for the Journey Forward. This book also contained an important section on William James’s views on the religious function of the psyche, which he called the “most important” human function.

The religious function is a Universal principle of Equality that gave birth to all religions. In my new book, William James and C. G. Jung: Doorways to the Self, I’ve shown that the religious function is also a cosmic function, a function of the Universal Self. It is a function of harmonization between all religions of the globe operating in a unitary way towards the unification of the World Self, and ultimate Peace.

James and Jung called it a religious function, or God-function. Today, we might call it Cosmic. The religious function of the American psyche was shaped by the spirit of the mind and earth. It is the still living function of equality that we must heed today or face the possibility of self-annihilation as a species.”

William James and C.G. Jung Doorways to the Self by Dr. Steven Herrmann Book Cover
William James and C.G. Jung Doorways to the Self by Dr. Steven Herrmann Book Cover