1:00 pm - 2:30 pm

Rev. Jay Atkinson will present on and lead a discussion of UUA’s proposed amendments to Article II of the UUA Bylaws. Article II, which contains The 7 Principles, is the foundation for all the work of UUA and its congregations and committed communities.  

Click HERE to join the Zoom meeting at 1:00 p.m. pacific. Email membership@uucb.org if you have any trouble getting into the meeting.

Click this ARTICLE II for a comprehensive view and of the original 7 Principles from the current Article II and the new revision of Article II – incorporating the principles in a different way.

The UUCB People of Color Caucus (POCC) provides a safe space for racial and ethnic minority members to support each other’s spiritual journeys. We join in partnership with our wider church community and other justice-seeking people in opposing and dismantling racism and all forms of oppression. Meetings are monthly on Zoom. New members are welcome! Sponsored by the Social Justice Council.