Sunday Worship Service

In Person, Facebook Live and YouTube. Suzanne Simard’s study of forest ecology gives new observation and articulation to the ancient truth of our profound interdependence. What does it mean to intermingle our lives at the root?

In Person Coffee Hour
Join us in the Social Hall for coffee and a snack or light lunch.

Sunday Worship Service

In Person, Facebook Live and YouTube. Over the past few centuries our species has wreaked havoc
for life across the globe. How do we practice a radical welcome when strangers could be invaders?

In Person Coffee Hour
Join us in the Social Hall for coffee and a snack or light lunch.

Sunday Worship Service

In Person, Facebook Live and YouTube. As we celebrate a Climate Justice Revival with other UUs across the country, we ask what it will take for our species to naturalize as citizens of the earth.

In Person Coffee Hour
Join us in the Social Hall for coffee and a snack or light lunch.