Ordination of Kathryn Jay

In Person, Facebook Live and YouTube. The ordination will take place during our Sunday service, followed by a reception in the Atrium and Social Hall.  All are invited to attend! 

In Person Coffee Hour
Be our guest for Coffee in the Atrium before and after the service. Light lunch in the Social Hall after the service.

Nurturing Our Spirit, Renewing Our Dream

In Person, Facebook Live and YouTube. Black History Month Service led by the People Of Color Caucus.

In Person Coffee Hour
Be our guest for Coffee in the Atrium before and after the service. Light lunch in the Social Hall after the service.

A Blessing for Tomorrow

In Person, Facebook Live and YouTube. Amidst all our planning and designing, our fretting and figuring, can we make space to offer a blessing for tomorrow?

In Person Coffee Hour
Be our guest for Coffee in the Atrium before and after the service. Light lunch in the Social Hall after the service.