9:30 am Summer Forum
In Person and ZoomSally Hindman on “Spirituality in Action: The Richmond Tiny House Village”. Join Sally Hindman and Inti Gonzalez, from Tiny Village Spirit, who, working with many dedicated volunteers and youth leaders, are engaged in creating the Richmond Tiny House Village, Farm & Garden. They will be sharing about their “spirituality in action” creating Richmond’s first legal tiny house village, doubling emergency housing serving unhoused young people.

Join us in person in the Fireside Room or
Click here to join on Zoom

10 am – 1 pm Transylvanian Art & Embroidery Sale
Social Hall – Want to own some original Transylvanian art or craft pieces? The Transylvanian Partner Church Committee is having an art and embroidery sale on Sunday, July 14 in the Atrium. We have acquired a number of pieces of art and craft pieces during our visits to our partner church in Homorόdύjfalu.

11 am Worship Service
In Person, Facebook Live and YouTube – “A Healing for the World” Worship service with Jim Scott Jim mixes songs and stories in a message of peace and reconciliation for a wounded world and our struggling society. Amid wars, cataclysmic weather events, and a context of lies and division, long term visions of sustainability can get obscured if not abandoned. In this season of growth and renewal of spirit for the work we have before us, our charge is nothing less than a job of healing, the earth and ourselves. Worship Associate Don Klose.

12 pm Coffee Hour
Social Hall – Join us for coffee and a snack or light lunch.

1 pm Humanist Connections
Zoom – Paul Ulbrich will present on “Understanding laughing and crying” followed by a group discussion. The Humanist Connections group meets weekly to discuss topics relating to our humanity, values, ideas. “A free and responsible search for truth and meaning.” (4th principle of Unitarian Universalism.) For more information, contact Ray Westergard.

1:30 pm “The Year to Save the Earth” A Multimedia Experience by Jim Scott.
In Person Mixing powerful songs and beautiful projected images, “The Year to Save the Earth” takes us from grieving to celebration and from protest to positive vision for the planet. Jim Scott’s lyrical melodies and outspoken poetry celebrate what’s beautiful, amazing, and fragile about our Earth. Facing the urgency of the environmental crisis, this musical and visual experience challenges us to feel, to learn and to act.

The Week, July 15 – 20

Monday, July 15

9 am Write for Your LifeZoom – “Write For Your Life” is a meditative sharing practice for people who like to write. Please email Kit Hewitt for Zoom link and details: khewitt@lmi.net.

Tuesday, July 16

10 am Improving Your Balance Through Tai Chi 
In Person – Contact Tess Snook O’Riva for more information ed@uucb.org.

12:15 pm Applied UU Buddhist SanghaZoom – A weekly discussion group with time for meditation. Contact Lynnette Delgado for more info: lynnettedelgado@comcast.net

Wednesday, July 17

10 am Walk & Talk Group
In Person – A small group meets for a vigorous one-hour walk. All are welcome. We are building loving community while supporting our physical and mental well-being. On 3rd and 5th Wednesdays we often meet at different locations. Contact Ann Harlow to receive notices of meeting spots: annharlow77@gmail.com or 510-559-3616.

10:30 am Aging with Grace
 – A weekly gathering of people sharing ideas and encouragement as they age. Contact Ann Greenwood annegt1@sbcglobal.net (510) 734-3378n or Jane Ramsey: Jane.rms@gmail.com or (510) 499-5204. If in person, potluck.

Thursday, July 18

5:30 pm Learn Javanese music at UUCB! In Person – Experience firsthand the meditative Javanese gamelan. All ages and levels of musical skill welcome. Contact Daniel danielswinslowschmidt@gmail.com, 510-334-1334 or Tom trippthomas@yahoo.com, 510-495-4879.

Friday, July 19

9:30 am Improving Your Balance Through Tai Chi
In Person – Contact Tess Snook O’Riva for more information ed@uucb.org.

Saturday, July 20

9 am Work Party
In Person – Help spiffy up of our UUCB Building and Grounds. Enjoyable work for all, in good company! party starts at 9AM with coffee and cake; but come anytime to help. Outdoor Projects include weeding, pruning, and improving the terrace and parking lots. Bring work gloves. Questions or suggestions contact PhilMaynard3@me.com

2 pm Memorial for Susan Singh
In Person – There will be a Memorial Service for beloved member Susan Singh on July 20 at 2 pm in the Fireside Room.

Upcoming Events

July 21 – Working to Overcome White Supremacy (WOWS)

August 31 – Upscale Rummage Sale. Set things aside to donate. Contact Ann Harlow for more info or to volunteer.

Announcements & Resources

Disability Pride is celebrated in July, the same month the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed into law. It is estimated that as much as 25% of the US may have a condition that can be classified as a disability under the ADA. Disabilities span a broad range, which is captured in this 1 minute video on the Disability Pride Flag.

Good Neighbor for July

Safe Return Project
Website: www.safereturnprj.org
Mission: We are invested in building a base of power at the civic, social, and economic levels of formerly incarcerated persons across the State of California, addressing the root causes of poverty and the impact that the criminal justice system has had on black people and communities of color.

UUCB Staff and Board Availability

  • Board Listening Presence: Michael Armstrong: (510) 219-3847 michaelarmstrong2494@comcast.net
  • Rev. Marcus Liefert (Minister) will return in August. Email: revmarcus@uucb.org
  • Tess Snook O’Riva (Executive Director) On vacation July 22- August 2. Email: ed@uucb.org
  • Bryan Baker (Director of Music): in person Thursdays and Sunday mornings, and remotely Fridays. Email: bryan.baker@uucb.org
  • Janae Heard (Office Administrator): On vacation July 22 – 26. Works remotely M-W-F. Email: janae@uucb.org
  • Peter Barnholdt (Facilities Manager): On vacation July 16 – 19.
  • Charis Domador (Connections Coordinator) works remotely M-F. Email: connections@uucb.org
  • Diana Steinbach (Finance Administrator) works remotely Mondays and Thursdays.

Stay in Touch

  • Pastoral Care Need? If you or a UUCB congregant you know is sick, hospitalized, recovering, grieving or otherwise in need of attention and support, please email us at pastoralcare@uucb.org. In case of a pastoral emergency, you may call Rev. Marcus Liefert at (510) 525-0302 ext. 303  He is always available for pastoral needs, as phone messages will be forwarded to him.
  • Subscribe to our newsletters.
  • To subscribe to the UUCB general discussion list email connections@uucb.org.
  • Subscribe to the Families discuss list
  • Social Justice email list: Email sejones1950@gmail.com

Submit items for The Week Ahead to weekahead@uucb.org by 8 am Wednesday. Please limit announcements to 325 characters (with spaces).

Submit items for the Beacon monthly newsletter to beacon@uucb.org by the 15th of the month.

Our Board of Trustees Widening the Circle Vision Statement:
“We, the trustees of UUCB commit ourselves to championing racialjustice, embodying anti-racist practices, and confronting anddismantling white supremacy culture and all forms of oppression(including but not limited to racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia,transphobia, classism, ageism, xenophobia and religious oppression,including anti-Semitism and Islamophobia) in everything we do.”


Mailing address: 1 Lawson Road, Kensington, CA 94707
Telephone: 510-525-0302
Email: info@uucb.org

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