Climate Justice Committee (CJC)

The Climate Justice Committee’s work is grounded in our 7th UU principle–deep respect for the interdependent web of life that we’re all part of. As beautifully articulated by the UUA, we want our work to be connecting, visionary, and inspirational. 

The climate crisis is interwoven with other environmental and social justice issues, and our CJC aims to provide accurate information and inspiration for action to address related environmental and social justice issues as well as climate. We work together and within our congregation, and we invite members of the community to attend our events and share perspectives.

We’re currently working through the award-winning Unitarian Universalist Association program:
“Green Sanctuary 2030:Mobilizing for Climate Justice”

The Climate Justice Council looks forward to the Green Sanctuary process and building on the long- time environmental awareness of some members of our community. Due to their diligence, UUCB installed solar panels on our roof in the 1990’s.  We have been operating on clean, renewable energy since then.
Our solar panels can be seen in the ‘drone’ video of the church, shown HERE

In addition to the exciting and intensive work to become a UUA Green Sanctuary, we will be participating in the UU Climate Justice Revival September 28-29 2024:
Reimagine Together From an Extractive Age to a New Era.”

Click the PDF for the Outline of the Climate Revival development process.

Click the PDF for the Description of the upcoming Climate Revival event.

Some of our other efforts have and continue to include: sponsoring workshops and films for Earth Day; sponsoring a climate grief group; reducing our carbon footprint; helping people electrify their homes; advocating for systemic change through the Climate Action Now app; getting out the environmental vote; and informing our community of our amazing wildlife on our grounds and planting native plants to support them.

We meet on Zoom the 4th Monday of each month from 5-6:30pm. Join us. To join or for more information, contact: Sheila Tarbet, CJC Chair, at



Check the website for EARTH DAY 2024 activities at UUCB. 


Phil Maynard, member of the Landscaping & Climate Justice Committees, will lead two walking tours.

At 9am,  see the birds of UUCB. You might be surprised &  amazed.

At 11am, learn about UUCB’s plants, both native &  invasive & everything in between.

We have the privilege of stewarding this beautiful land high in the East Bay hills, where nature is in abundance, & fascinating wildlife & plants share the space.  Experience it with us April 27!

At 7pm, watch the film, “The Letter.”  This film will be shown in our UUCB Sanctuary.  The film will be followed by Q&A and Snacks!

Climate Action Now App (click link)
The Climate Action Now app is invaluable for making a difference in climate justice. UUCB is encouraging all congregants and visitors to add the app to their phones. This easy-to-use app allows you to instantly contact legislators, government agencies and corporations. Also, informative articles and videos are shared. AND, you can earn trees that are planted in deforested areas around the world. When you download the app and complete needed information, please use 310 for Invitation Code for UUCB members.

If you want one-on-one help with the app, please email and address Deb Lloyd.  Deb can walk you through the most powerful features of the app.  One voice added to thousands of others, makes a difference. 

Recycling and Composting Efforts at UUCB
UUCB has been committed to recycling for many years as part of its commitment to reduce its environmental footprint.  We welcome the passage of a new California state law that requires the composting of all organic matter and recycling of all items recyclable in your locality.  Recycling and composting rules vary somewhat from city to city. Since we’re located in Kensington, Kensington’s rules apply to us.

We believe everyone has a personal responsibility to compost and recycle to care for our planet.  It may seem like “no big deal” to dump that partially eaten sandwich in the landfill bin.  Yet, when organic waste decomposes in the landfill, it emits methane, a potent greenhouse gas, which is 84 times more potent than carbon dioxide and a major contributor to climate change. Proper recycling and composting is one of the easiest and most important things we can do as individuals to combat the climate emergency.

Recycling and Composting Visual Graphic
Climate Justice Committee member, Lucinda Young, heads up the Recycling and Composting program at UUCB.  Click HERE for a valuable graphic of what items should be sorted into what bins at UUCB (Note these instructions vary from those for other cities.).  Email and address Lucinda Young for more information.

Our Vision for Future Work
Our vision is to be a strong local force inspiring everyone to do their part, large or small, to address climate change and issues of environmental justice. UUCB can be a center of inspiration, community resilience and hope in the face of the anxiety and challenges many people experience in our warming world. We’ll continue to reduce the carbon footprint of our facility and keep our landscaping friendly to biodiversity. We hope to become a certified UU Green Sanctuary. 

Ongoing education and information
We send out information about the climate crisis everyone can act on, including notices of community protests and opportunities to advocate for just policies and practices.  We invite presentations from guest speakers to help us live a more climate-friendly, socially- and environmentally-just life. Please email and address to Dr. Sheila Tarbet to be added to the mailing list for Climate Justice Committee meeting times, current climate news, legislative actions and encouragement. We’re all in this together and there’s an important role here YOU can play. Please join us!”


On Friday, April 21, 2023, the Climate Justice Committee sponsored a free showing of the Australian award-winning film “2040.” 50 people attended the film screening, including members of the broader community as well as many members of UUCB. 30 people stayed after the film to participate in small discussion groups, and the groups were animated and informed. People were encouraged to learn about solutions to the climate crisis that are being introduced around the world. But these solutions need to be brought into the mainstream and more widely implemented. Our discussions highlighted how important it is to build the broad political and social movement we need to bring climate justice to our local communities and around the world.

Please email and address Dr. Sheila Tarbet. Sheila will email you when the next Climate Justice Committee meeting is being held (monthly on Zoom).

Healthy Air For All – Time for Action – March 27, 2022

The Social Justice Council of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Berkeley (UUCB) sponsored a “Healthy Air For All” presentation by Climate Health Now Members,
Dr. Teresa Elena Munoz, OB-GYN, Kaiser, Richmond and Dr. Juan Aguilera, Ph.D., M.D., post-doctoral research fellow from Sean Parker Center, Stanford.


How air pollution harms us, who’s most vulnerable, which communities suffer the most, and how we can take collective action for health and environmental justice.

Drs. Munoz and Aguilera shared scientific expertise and real-world experience about how climate-related air pollution affects vulnerable populations, including children, older adults, and those living with asthma, cardiorespiratory diseases, and other conditions, especially among lower-income neighborhoods of color.


0:00                 Sheldon Jones, Chair of UUCB’s Social Justice
0:60                 Dr. Sheila Tarbet, Member of UUCB Social Justice Council’s Environmental Justice and member of Elders Climate Action
0:6:25              Introduction of Dr. Theresa Munoz
0:7:55              Dr. Teresa Elena Munoz, MD Presentation
0:39:11            Introduction of Dr. Alex Aguilera
0:40:35            Dr. Juan Aguilera, MD, PhD, MPH Presentation
1:00:00            Q&A Curated by Jason Russell, Member UUCB
1:16:25            Deb Lloyd, UUCB and Elders Climate Action Member, “Climate Action Now” App presentation (iPhone/Android)
1:21:30            Q&A Continuation
1:51:45            Closing Comments by Dr. Sheila Tarbet – Call to Action

Slide Deck for Dr. Aguilera – Click HERE