Each month we share our offerings from the Sunday worship services with local and national non-profit organizations serving the community, particularly those serving people in need. A different group is selected each month to receive these funds.

Each year, through the generosity of UUCB members, friends, and Sunday visitors, more than $20,000 is distributed to these organizations. For more information, or to suggest a new Good Neighbor organization, please contact the Social Justice Council. The Social Justice Council votes annually to select the Good Neighbors for the coming calendar year.

If you would like to donate directly to the Good Neighbor program, please follow this link to donate online. Type in the amount you would like to donate and make sure you click the downward facing arrow next to the ” give to general fund” and click “give to good neighbor”. When you do this, it is like you are putting money in the offering plate on Sunday. If you are paying by check, please make it out to UUCB, and 1/2 of your donation goes to the Good Neighbor, and 1/2 goes to UUCB. If you make the check out directly to the Good Neighbor, we cannot cash the check, we mail the check directly to the good neighbor organization. Unfortunately, your gift is then not reflected in our Breeze system nor our accounting records and income statement for the year.