Volunteering through Social Justice at UUCB

Where would your volunteerism feel most satisfying? Where would you like to commit your energies?
Some of the many current programs you could join:
Read Aloud Volunteer Program – read to two kindergarteners, 1st or 2nd graders once a week for the school year. The more readers, the more students participate. Readers and students love this time together! Contact Judy Sam at socialjustice@uucb.org.
Greater Richmond Interfaith Program (GRIP) – join other UUCBers to prepare and serve lunch to 200 people at the GRIP Souper Center on the second Tuesday of the month or dinner to residents of the GRIP Family Shelter on the fourth Saturday. Contact Ray Westergard or Ladie Malek at socialjustice@uucb.org.
Youth Spirit Artworks: Volunteer to support the YSA’s Tiny House Village in Oakland for Unhoused Youth. Contact Jim Acock at socialjustice@uucb.org for more information.
Climate Justice Committee: Volunteer to work with the Climate Justice Committee to maintain a strong recycling commitment at UUCB. Contact Sheila Tarbet at socialjustice@uucb.org for more information.

Voting Justice Project: Getting out the vote for equity and social justice is the moral calling of this election year. We reach out to young people and voters of color who have historically encountered barriers to expressing their right to vote and have their votes counted. If you would like to help with letter and postcard writing, text banking or phone banking, please email Leaders: Cyndy Greenleaf or Norie Clarke or Karen Elliott at socialjustice@uucb.org.
And there are other volunteer opportunities — some seasonal — and some that come up quite unexpectedly from events in the world.
Please email socialjustice@uucb.org to get on the mailing list for information, connection and joining with other committed people like yourself.