9:30 am - 10:45 am
Fireside Room

Murshid Kiran Rana is a senior teacher in the Sufi Way, a mystical community that has its origin in the teachings of universal Sufism introduced in the West in 1910 by the Indian mystic Inayat Khan. Kiran lives happily in Alameda with his wife, Jeanne Rana, a poet and fellow-Sufi who is also a member of the First Unitarian Church of Oakland. At their Sufi center, Bay Dervish, they hold gatherings for meditation, invocation and music, offer personal guidance, and facilitate intimate conversations about the inner life, creativity and awakening. Kiran also teaches an online webinar called A Taste of Sufism; currently he and Jeanne are offering a ten-month-long program in Berkeley called Sufism & the Art of Loving. “Two Stories: How Kiran and Jeanne Found Sufism Found Them.”

Murshid Kiran & Jeanne Rana, (see bio above). “I follow the religion of love: whatever way love’s camels take, that is my religion and my faith.”  — Ibn ’Arabi