11:15 am - 12:15 pm
R.E. Building – Rooms 6, 7 & 8

The duct tape symbolizes flexibility. This session provides opportunities for participants to reflect on the value and qualities of developing an open mind and a flexible faith. A theme of discussion is the Unitarian Universalist expectation of change and flexibility in one’s understandings and beliefs. Allow time for participants to consider what it means to live with changeable answers. As leaders, you will want to emphasize the importance of being informed and flexible decision-makers.


Take Home:

As a family, share examples of times when flexibility has appeared or has been needed in each of your lives. Talk about how flexibility can be a tool of one’s faith. You may like to use these questions:

How have you changed this year?

Describe a time when you felt you changed the most?

When was a time when it might have been helpful to be flexible, but you were not able to be?

Why were you not able to be flexible?


Session: #4