Interest Groups
Applied UU Buddhism
Tuesdays, 12:15–2:15 pm
In supportive group discussions, we share how we apply Buddhist teachings in our lives. We have been meeting for two hours weekly midday on Tuesdays, except during summers, since 2005. Our Sangha is similar in some ways to Chalice Circles. We choose a book on Buddhism and read a few pages before meetings. We begin each meeting with a fifteen-minute meditation. Then each member shares the relevance of our reading and UU values to our lives.
This group is limited to twelve people but may have openings. If there is sufficient interest we will help start another. Contact Lynnette Delgado (510-799-0747) for more information.
Blue Mountain Meditation
First, Third, and Occasional Fifth Tuesdays of the month, 7–8:30 pm
The BMCM satsang is an opportunity for like-minded spiritual aspirants to discuss Eknath Easwaran’s instruction and guidance in meditation and spiritual disciplines as applicable to our daily lives, and to read and meditate together. It is recommended that one have been meditating daily for at least a month by the “passage meditation” method (see Contact: Lois Schneider (510-843-0281)
Humanist Connections
Most Sundays on Zoom EXCEPT the third Sunday of the month when we meet in person (no Zoom on the third Sunday) — 1:00-2:30 pm and no potluck.
Most weeks, a member of this group gives a short presentation (about ten minutes) on a pre-announced topic, launching a moderated discussion on the topic. See this page, and drop in or contact Ray Westergard for more information. Speakers and topics are listed in The Week Ahead at UUCB. Sometimes the meeting format includes a series of shorter discussions on topics suggested by attendees.
Men’s Fellowship
UUCB has had a Men’s Group for many years, which recently grew too large and split into two groups. We look forward to continuing growth. Each group meets twice a month, in a member’s home, with a potluck supper. There are periodic joint meetings, and joint annual weekend retreats. In a confidential, supportive environment, men share their thoughts and feelings on a focused topic and practice deep listening, often developing lasting friendships in the process. For more information, contact Bob Adams (510-381-2946), Jim Evans, Don Wollwage, or Tom Tripp.
Mist Tree Moon Circle
Meets quarterly in the Fireside Room (or on Zoom) on the third Sunday, 7 pm., March, June, September and December). Affiliated with CUUPs (Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans)
We hold ritual celebrations of the seventh UU principle, respecting the interdependent web and the sacred circle of life. This is an eco-feminist, Goddess-centered exploration born in 1995 of the UU curriculum, “Rise Up and Call Her Name: A Woman-Honoring Journey into Global Earth-Based Spiritualities.” The circle provides a space and time for direct experience of the transcending mystery and wonder which moves us to a renewal of the spirit and openness to the forces which create and uphold life. For more information, contact Lois Atkinson (510-841-9016), Carol Carlisle (510-528-9310) or PhoeBe ANNE Sorgen (510-528-9428).
Social Justice Groups
See the Social Justice Council page.
Wednesday Walk & Talk Group
Wednesdays, 10–11 am, weather permitting
A small group meets for a vigorous walk, usually in the hills near UUCB. We are building loving community while supporting our physical and mental well-being. Contact Ann Harlow (510-559-3616) to get on the email list announcing starting points, and text her if you plan to come on a given Wednesday.
Women’s Insight Meditation
1st, 2nd, 4th, Last Mondays at 9 am on Zoom
3rd Monday at 9:30 in person
This group meets weekly to practice “Mettā” (pr. METTT-tttah) or “loving kindness” meditation in the Southeast Asian Buddhist philosophy tradition. On the 1st, 2nd, 4th & occasional 5th Mondays we meet on Zoom. On the 3rd Monday we meet in person. So that a space can be prepared for you when we meet in person, RSVP to Evelie Delfino Såles Posch
Write for Your Life
Mondays, 9:15 to 11:45 am, Fireside Room (or Zoom)
Our writing is a form of meditation. We spend time writing in response to a reading heard by the group at the beginning of the session. After we write, we are invited to read to the whole group, if we wish. The writing group is a place of discovery. Established by noted author and minister, Beth Glick-Rieman, the group continues to flourish although she has moved away. This group is limited in size but may have openings. Contact facilitator Kit Hewitt for more information.
Want to Start a New Group?
In order to reserve meeting space and be added to this page, any new interest group should submit an application to the Program Council convener including a mission statement, names of at least five founding members, a proposed meeting schedule, and a contact person. Download the Microsoft Word New UUCB Group Form. Email the form to the Program Council Convener, And feel free to come to the monthly meeting (3rd Wednesdays, 7:00 p.m.) to talk about your new group to the Program Council members who represent the various groups, committees and programs at UUCB.