Our Tree of Life Mosaic
In celebration of the 2011 Triple Anniversary year, our congregation created a mosaic Tree of Life.
The tree’s leaves were created by all ages, using bits and pieces of broken ceramics, jewelry, glass, stone, precious personal and significant items, including fragments of the Berlin Wall, pieces from Auschwitz, a beloved dog’s license tag, a father’s watch face, pieces of great grandmother’s china, a key to the front door of a loved home and so much more.
The congregation gathered the pieces and wrote of their significance, bringing the pieces to the common table in Sunday Services. The pieces became our shared resources for creating the mosaic. Mosaic artist Kim Larson guided us in workshops over the summer.
The tree holds 200 leaves. The trunk is formed by more of our pieces. Pieces of mirror are part of the tree so the tree reflects whatever is going on and whoever is before it.
You can read what members wrote about the significance of the broken pieces below, as well as what people wrote about the “glue that holds us together” and their visions for what they want to nurture and grow in this community.
We invite you also to enjoy the slideshow which chronicles the creation of our Tree of Life in photographs. May you discover our congregation’s joy and strength of spirit moving in you.