Reverend Marcus Liefert

Our minister, Rev. Marcus Liefert, is a lifelong Unitarian Universalist who grew up here in Berkeley, CA. He served UU congregations in Rochester, NY, Vancouver, BC, and across the Bay in San Rafael, CA before being called to serve as UUCB’s settled minister in 2023.

You can learn more about him and his ministry at

And his contact information: / (510) 525-0302 ext. 303


Small group conversations with Rev. Marcus 2023-2024

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Rev. Marcus’s Schedule

To book an appointment with Rev. Marcus visit

Rev. Marcus books meetings Tuesday-Thursday (Wednesdays by phone or Zoom)

Fridays and Saturdays are set aside for study, writing and service preparation, as well as for memorials and other events.

Monday he keeps as a sabbath from church work.


And you—what of your rushed

and useful life? Imagine setting it all down—

papers, plans, appointments, everything—

leaving only a note: Gone

to the fields to be lovely. Be back

when I’m through with blooming.”

~from Camas Lilies, by Rev. Lynn Ungar

Pastoral Emergencies

Rev. Marcus is always available for pastoral emergencies. The office number below forwards to his cell phone.

Minister’s Contact Information

(510) 525-0302 ext. 303

Emails may take up to a week to receive a response. Please call for anything requiring an urgent response.


Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care Need? If you or a UUCB congregant you know is sick, hospitalized, recovering, grieving or otherwise in need of attention and support, please email us at In case of a pastoral emergency, you may call Rev. Marcus Liefert at (510) 525-0302 ext. 303.


Community Ministers

UUCB has three affiliated community ministers: Rev. Theresa Hardy, Rev. Sue Magidson, and Rev. Dr. Jane Ramsey. Each is an ordained UU minister whose primary ministry is in the larger community outside our congregation. Out in the world, they serve as professional hospice and hospital chaplains and spiritual directors.  At UUCB, they serve in membership, workshop facilitation, pastoral care, teaching, and preaching. With few exceptions, their service at UUCB is unpaid. The word “affiliated” means that they each have a formal relationship with UUCB, voted on by the Board, and summarized in a written covenant.

Learn more about our community ministers.

UUCB is also blessed with several other ministers who are not formally affiliated community ministers but still add to the power of community with their pastoral, spiritual or justice-seeking presence.

Ministers Emeriti

Barbara and Bill Hamilton-Holway served as UUCB’s co-ministers from 1996 until their retirement in 2014. During this time, they also played leadership roles in Unitarian Universalism nationally. They retired as of June 1, 2014, and the congregation voted to bestow emeritus status on them at the May 18, 2014, Congregational Meeting.billhh 2012

barbhh 2012