Stewardship News, June 2016

Our church fiscal year is coming to an end!  Please complete your 2015-2016 pledge by June 30 and make our Board and Treasurer happy!

We passed a deficit budget for next year on May 15th, but it is based on more pledges than have currently been turned in!  PLEASE make your pledge today, either by email to or sending check or a note to Stewardship, UUCB, 1 Lawson Road, Kensington CA 94707.  You may also phone it in to the office at 510-525-0302, x306 Alisa.  Thanks to all who have contributed so far… including our matching pool, we have $505,883.  Let’s do the final push and get to $527,000!  Your generosity of time, talent and treasure is what makes it all happen!

With gratitude from your outgoing Stewardship convener,

Anne Greenwood