Facilities Committee Report, December 2016

It’s been a while since we reported on the care of our magnificent campus, but there is a lot of work underway. Hiring a tree maintenance company to remove the dead or dying Monterey pines on the campus is a project that has stalled for several months but is now beginning anew. A few months ago, mold was discovered in the Safir Room and work is underway to have a professional mold remediation company address this problem. We have uncovered severe dry rot in the roof beams, and we are talking with contractors about how to remedy this problem. A recent fire inspection uncovered problems with the sprinkler system in the Chrysalis Room and Conference Room, and we are having a fire system specialist repair the sprinkler system. Richie Dawkins is working with a consultant to determine what needs to be done to the kitchen to make it compliant with applicable health codes. Finally, we will be hiring a paving company to reseal and re-stripe the parking lot, including painting of curbs in No Parking zones as required by the Kensington Fire Department.

If any of these projects fits your interests and your skills, we would love to have you on our team. Please contact Larry Nagel at (510) 558-0842 or lwn@att.net. Or, just drop in at the Facilities Committee meeting, which is on fourth Mondays at 4 pm in the Fireside Room.