Concerts, Recitals, Recording Sessions and Organ Rental

UUCB has an acoustically superb Sanctuary ideally suited for concert performances, recitals and recording sessions. We are located in a quiet neighborhood far from street noise. We also have an outstanding collection of instruments available for your use.
There are two grand pianos and two baby grand pianos available. On the chancel in the Sanctuary is a Yamaha Concert Grand that has been used for recitals and recordings by important artists. Also on the chancel is a two-manual French double harpsichord made by Andrew Lagerquist that has a beautiful sound and has been used for solo and ensemble baroque performances. On the floor of the Sanctuary is a beautifully restored 1896 Chickering seven-foot grand that is a fine example of late-nineteenth-century instruments with a beautiful tone. A Steinway Baby Grand is available in the Atrium and a Baldwin Baby Grand, suitable for small weddings, memorials and other events is available in the Fireside Room. The pianos are maintained by Christopher Johnson and the harpsichord is tuned by Janine Johnson.
An Aeolian Skinner organ was custom-built for the church in 1962 and re-leathered in 2012. It has 40 ranks of pipes playable from three manual keyboards and a pedal keyboard. Some of the pipes are housed in two boxes so that their volume can be controlled by swell shades operated by pedals. The main pipes and pedal divisions of the instrument are open in the room and make a dramatic visual presence. The instrument is one of the finest in the Bay Area, and is capable of playing the entire recital repertoire. It is maintained by the Schoenstein Organ Company. The organ is available for practice sessions.
If you would like to use the Atrium as a reception area before and after the concert, you may contract the space as a separate rental for its regular rate.
Use of the harpsichord and organ must be approved by Ms. Katya Kolesnikova, AGO, UUCB’s principal organist or Dr. Bryan Baker, UUCB’s music director. Find contact information here.
Additional Information
UUCB’s AGO (American Guild of Organists) Certified Organist retains first right of refusal on all requirements for a keyboardist during services or ceremonies. If you retain a keyboardist other than our principal organist for your ceremony or service and the principal organist is available, you will be required to pay a $150.00 bench fee. The bench fee also applies if you plan to use pre-recorded music.
SECURITY DEPOSIT: Standard Security Deposits range between $250.00 and $1,000.00 depending on event and add-ons.
Click Here for Price Estimate