
From Rev. Christian, October 2016

As we enter October, ghosts are on our minds. That’s our monthly worship theme—and Day of the Dead, Samhain, and Halloween all fall at the end of this month—and if you haven’t seen the recent Ghostbusters movie, we recommend it! But even if none of … read more.

Social Justice News, September 2016

Social Justice Council Meeting – Participating at the SJC August meeting were Merrin Clough and members of the Family Ministry Committee Leadership Team (both youth and adults). Our small groups met: One thought ahead about working together on UUCB’s annual Bring-Your-Weight-in-Food event. Another reviewed Family … read more.

Music Matters, September 2016

The choir season begins in September; our first rehearsal is Thursday night, September 1st, at 7:30 in the sanctuary.  New members are welcome!  Just show up and give it a try; you might like it:-)

Luminescence (the adult choir) goes a-strolling on the 11th. We will … read more.

The View from Personal Theology, September 2016

September begins the Fall/Winter semester of Personal Theology. If you don’t have the new schedule already, please pick one up in the racks in the Atrium near the office door. The PT Organizing Committee has an exciting line-up of speakers, so you won’t want to … read more.

Social Justice News, June 2016

On May 15, 2016 the UUCB Congregation voted YES!! (1) To renew our support for the Confronting Racism Project; (2) To officially support the Black Lives Matter Movement; (3) To approve displaying our Black Lives Matter banner in public marches and demonstrations.

Social Justice Council Meeting … read more.

Partner Church Committee, June 2016

Hey, Reverend Greg, you just finished a two-year interim at UUCB. Where are you going next? “I’m going to Transylvania!” That’s right, Greg Ward is finally making a pilgrimage to Transylvania. Anne Greenwood and Stephanie Ann Blythe are going, too. Rev. David Keyes is organizing … read more.

Stewardship News, June 2016

Our church fiscal year is coming to an end!  Please complete your 2015-2016 pledge by June 30 and make our Board and Treasurer happy!

We passed a deficit budget for next year on May 15th, but it is based on more pledges than have currently been … read more.