
Social Justice News, November 2016

Bring Your Weight in Food Drive: Please Save the Date, NOVEMBER 13th

Hello, my name is Lindsey and I am a youth in the Youth-Adult Team. I and Alejandra, Haley and other youth are working with the Social Justice Team to plan the Food Drive. … read more.

Social Justice News, October 2016

Social Justice Council (SJC) – In mid-September a few of us registered several people living in a shelter in Richmond. Tuesday, September 27th is National Voter Registration Day and we plan to have some UUCB folks there with the League of Women Voters to register … read more.

Good Neighbor, October 2016

Greater Richmond Interfaith Program

Greater Richmond Interfaith Program (GRIP) is an interfaith, multiracial collaboration dedicated to the preservation of human dignity, transforming lives and furthering social justice. It helps individuals and families in need of food, shelter and supportive services.

Good Neighbor, August 2016

UUCB’s partner church —the Unitarian Church in Homorodujfalu, Romania. Our financial support over 25 years has enabled 10–21 students each year to take advantage of further educational opportunities that they otherwise could not afford. Although the economic situation in rural Romania has improved somewhat, … read more.

Good Neighbor, July 2016

Bay Area Community Land Trust

BACLT is the only non-profit in the East Bay developing housing cooperatives which provide home ownership for low-income and moderate-income households. In addition to developing new housing cooperatives, BACLT has training workshops to existing housing cooperatives helping them manage … read more.

Partner Church, Oct. 2016

You people are AMAZING!! Your Good Neighbor contributions in August to the Transylvanian Partner Church Committee totaled $3246.50. Most of that amount will go to our Village Education Fund to aid the students in Homorόdύjfalu who are continuing their education at the secondary and college … read more.

Membership Signing, October 9, 2016

Sunday, October 9, 2016, 12:30 p.m. Minister’s Office. If you feel that UUCB is a place that supports your values and your desire for a loving community, Revs. Kristin and Christian invite you to become members of UUCB on Sunday, October 9, 2016, at 12:30 … read more.

Music Matters, Oct. 2016

Hello Dear People,

There is a great deal of excitement at the church right now, and it feels very promising: our wonderful new co-ministers, and the church’s strong presence at the Solano Stroll. UUCB had 50 people in the parade, the largest contingent. Both Luminescence and the Youth and … read more.

Freestone Update, October 2016

Ann Riley

In 1974, UUCB members built a Geodesic Dome on 22 acres west of Petaluma, to fill the need of church members wishing to find a quiet place in nature for reflection, community, and fun. Over the years, it has been the site of … read more.