Click here for a full list of the Program Council Clusters


Marta Tobey, Convener

The Program Council works to enhance collaboration between committees and task forces, set the church calendar, and grow lay leadership. In years not impacted by the pandemic, the Council coordinates approximately four all-church events in which multiple program areas participate. It is facilitated by a Convener. The Council has representation on the Executive Advisory Team and there is a liaison from the Board of Trustees to the Council.

Meetings are on the third Wednesday of the month, 7 to 9 pm on Zoom, and observers are welcome. If you would like to learn more about the work of the Council or discuss something with the Council, please contact Marta Tobey, the Convener.

Members of the Program Council meet Rev. Marcus at a dinner hosted by Jean Gleason and Larry Nagel Members of the Program Council meet Rev. Marcus at a dinner hosted by Jean Gleason and Larry Nagel, May Day 2023

Program Areas

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Lonnie Moseley, Adult Religious Exploration

Adult Religious Education/Exploration

The mission of Adult REd/Exp at UUCB is to provide a “pathway” to spiritual, moral and intellectual development. Through a variety of educational presentations, inquiry and discussion groups, classes, and workshops, participants can gain better insight into their own and others’ spiritual beliefs and practices. This can lead to more compassion for differences and also to an understanding of what we all have in common.

Bringing these learning groups together under the Adult Religious Exploration Program encourages communication and coordination among the various programs. Acting together the groups can strengthen and energize each other and heighten awareness and appreciation of the programs both at UUCB and in the community.


  • Adult Workshops & Classes
  • Humanist Connections
  • Personal Theology
  • Write for Your Life

Buildings and Grounds

Lynne Cahoon, Buildings & Grounds

The mission of the Buildings and Grounds program area is to assist the Board and Staff in assuring that the church buildings and grounds support the Mission and Ends of the church as safe, welcoming, functional, and aesthetically pleasing spaces.


  • Aesthetics Committee
  • Audio/Visual Systems Task Force
  • Buildings and Grounds Committee
  • Kitchen Team
  • Landscape Team


Jim Gasperini, Communications

The mission of the UUCB Communications Team is to

  • Foster community building and encourage participation in church life by informing members of programs, events of interest, and significant events in members’ lives
  • Attract new members by raising the public’s awareness of UUCB’s activities and mission
  • Collaborate with key stakeholders to develop church communications so as to maximize their impact

The team provides strategic direction and oversight for church communications, design and maintenance of its website and production of its publications.


  • Publications Team
  • Website Team
  • Social Media Team
  • Audio/Visual Team

    Robin Cooper, Family Ministry

Family Ministry

The Family Ministry group is the support program for the Director of Family Ministry, the religious education program for children and youth, and our community of families. In collaboration with the Director, the group helps to develop plans and policies to foster a rich and growing program that will prepare young Unitarian Universalists for a lifetime of spiritual and ethical exploration and growth. The group also works to build community among families and with the wider church by supporting our Director in connecting and meaningfully engaging people in the program. The group is invested in cultivating a sense of shared ministry within the program and with the wider church that fosters a multi-generational community of faith at UUCB.


  • Faith Formation Task Force (Religious Education, Our Whole Lives, Coming of Age)
  • Faith in Action Task Force  (Celebrations, Service & Justice work)
  • Youth Adult Team (Projects, Retreats)
  • Connect & Engage Task Force (Welcome & Engage Families, Communications & Marketing)


Ann Harlow, Fundraising

The purpose of having fundraising represented on the Program Council is to assure that all parts of the church are aware of and supportive of the annual pledge drive, fundraising events, capital campaigns, and other efforts to build a strong financial foundation for the proper and appropriate operation of the church in accordance with its Unitarian Universalist principles and its mission and vision as defined by its membership.


  • Endowment Committee (reports to Board of Trustees)
  • Stewardship Team (reports to Board of Trustees)
  • Fundraising Events task forces (non-Music fundraisers)
  • Book Table
  • Jewelry Table


Victoria Bowen, Membership

The Membership Ministry group works to make the Unitarian Universalist Church of Berkeley a welcoming and inclusive spiritual community. We reach beyond our church walls to strengthen UUCB’s visible presence in the wider community. We reach within this church community to guide newcomers along the path of membership, and nurture newcomers and members alike towards greater involvement and leadership in the congregation.

Inreach: Helps newcomers and existing members deepen their connection to the people and programs of UUCB and to The Beloved Community

Outreach: Identifies promising target groups and develops outreach strategies and initiatives that will effectively reach and draw newcomers to UUCB.


  • Gen UU
  • Membership Ministry Committee
  • Sunday Hospitality Team
  • Wheel of Life
  • Young Adult Network
Marin Fischer, Music/Arts

Music and Arts

The mission of the Music and Arts Program at UUCB is to enhance worship, support programs and build community through the creation and sharing of music and art that touches people emotionally, intellectually and spiritually.


  • Music Program (overseen by music director Bryan Baker and the Music Committee, includes adult choir and youth choir)
  • Gamelan Ensemble
  • Handicrafters (currently inactive)
  • Theatre of the Blue Moon
  • UUCB Moves (dance)
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Barbara Cullinane, Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care

Our mission statement is based on the first Unitarian Universalist (UU) principle: to affirm the inherent worth and dignity of every person. Our mission is to provide a ministry of hope and caring so that no member of our congregation need be alone.

The mission of the volunteer chaplains of UUCB is to provide a ministerial “listening presence” immediately after Sunday worship to those feeling a need for compassionate listening.


  • Appreciation Circle
  • Caring Circle
  • Chalice Circles
  • Chaplains
  • Men’s Groups
  • Pastoral Associates

Social Justice

The mission of the Social Justice Council of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Berkeley is to support and oversee the Social Justice program at UUCB in order to:

  • carry our faith-based vision of love, justice and peace beyond our own walls
  • create opportunities to put our UU values into action to create a more just, sustainable, and inclusive world
  • engage the full, multi-generational congregation and

    Carol Carlisle, Social Justice
  • inspire and transform our community, world, and ourselves.


  • Confronting Oppression and Racism Project:
    • Literature, Film, Drama and Music Contingent (LFDC)
    • People of Color Caucus (POCC)
    • Whites Opposing White Supremacy (WOWS)
    • Honoring Indigenous Peoples Group (HIP)
    • Voting Justice
    • Berkeley Schools Support Project
  • Climate Justice Council
  • Friends of Developing Indigenous Resources (DIR)
  • Good Neighbor Program
  • Greater Richmond Interfaith Program (GRIP)
  • Green Sanctuary
  • Immigration Justice
  • Partner Church Committee
  • Read-Aloud Volunteer Program
  • Summer Forum
  • World Peace Committee


Don Klose, Worship

The Worship program area is responsible for assisting the ministers in conceiving, preparing and presenting Sunday worship. The Worship Team addresses the logistical and creative tasks to ensure that worship is engaging, relevant, universal, diverse and transformational. The Worship area also encompasses alternative forms of worship such as the quarterly Moon Circle rituals. The core group is the Worship Associates.


  • Altar Flowers Team
  • Mist Tree Moon Circle
  • Slide Presentation Associates
  • Ushers
  • Worship Associates